No Man's Land评论
Booklist called Maresi "utterly satisfying and completely different from standard YA fantasy." Now, Naondel goes back to establish the world of the trilogy and tells the story of the First Sisters —the founders of the female utopia the Red Abbey. Imprisoned in a harem by a dangerous man with a dark magic that grants him power over life and death, the First Sisters must overcome their mistrust of one another in order to escape. But they can only do so at a great cost, both for those who leave and for those left behind. Told in alternating points of view, this novel is a vivid, riveting look at a world of oppression and exploitation, the mirror opposite of the idyllic Red Abbey.Caretaker
It was with this play that Harold Pinter had his first major success, and its production history since it was first performed in 1960 has established the work as a landmark in twentieth-century drama. The obsessive caretaker, Davies, whose papers are in Sidcup, is a classic comic creation, and his uneasy relationship with the enigmatic Aston and Mick established the author's individuality with an international audience.l8r, g8r - 10th Anniversary update and reissue
It's time for a new generation of readers to discover the phenomenally bestselling and beloved series, told entirely in messages and texts. With a fresh look and updated cultural references, the notorious list-topping series is ready for the iPhone generation. First published in 2004 (holy moly!), ttyl and its sequels follow the ups and downs of high school for the winsome threesome, three very different but very close friends: wild Maddie (mad maddie), bubbly Angela (SnowAngel), and reserved Zoe (zoegirl). Through teacher crushes, cross-country moves, bossy Queen Bees, incriminating party pics, and other bumps along the way, author Lauren Myracle explores the many potholes of teenagedom with the unflinching honesty and pitch-perfect humor that made this series a staple of young adult literature.
他已经赢得了天下,他的臣子,为他殚心竭力,他的敌人,心甘情愿对他誓死效忠。她恋上了这个拥有至高无上权力的王者,她只能用最纯洁无邪的眼眸,来记取他血腥的征服。火树银花中的戎马倥偬,刀光剑影中的海枯石烂。他的一生,金戈铁马,叱咤风云。他已经赢得了天下。他的臣子,为他殚心竭力,他的敌人,心甘情愿对他誓死效忠。而他最爱的女人,是否能倾尽一切地爱他?是否能与他携手共度此生?她恋上了这个拥有至高无上权力的王者,爱上了这个注定会被无数女人拥有的男人,她只能用最纯净无邪的眼眸,来记取他血腥的征服。回首处,多少红颜老去,是否都只是黄粱一梦? 这其中有欢笑也有泪水,有温情也有杀戮,一切都只是为一段人们已经熟悉的历史做出新的注解。中国传媒产业效益评价研究