
AARP's Drive Smart评论

  • The Cure for Dreaming

    The Cure for Dreaming

    Winters breathes new life into history once again with an atmospheric, vividly real story that includes archival photos and art from the period. Olivia Mead is a headstrong, independent girl -a suffragist -in an age that prefers its females to be docile. It's 1900 in Oregon, and Olivia's father, concerned that she's headed for trouble, convinces a stage mesmerist to try to hypnotize the rebellion out of her. But the hypnotist, an intriguing young man named Henri Reverie, gives her a terrible gift instead: she's able to see people's true natures, manifesting as visions of darkness and goodness, while also unable to speak her true thoughts out loud. These supernatural challenges only make Olivia more determined to speak her mind, and so she's drawn into a dangerous relationship with the hypnotist and his mysterious motives, all while secretly fighting for the rights of women.
  • Weight


    With wit and verve, the prize-winning author of Sexing the Cherry and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit brings the mythical figure of Atlas into the space age and sets him free at last. In her retelling of the story of a god tricked into holding the world on his shoulders and his brief reprieve, she sets difficult questions about the nature of choice and coercion, how we choose our own destiny and at the same time can liberate ourselves from our seeming fate. Finally in paperback, Weight is a daring, seductive addition to Canongate's ambitious series of myths by the world's most acclaimed authors.
  • Work. Pump. Repeat.
  • What's Eating Gilbert Grape

    What's Eating Gilbert Grape

    Adapted into the classic 1993 film starring Johnny Depp as Gilbert and Leonardo DiCaprio in his Academy Award–nominated role as Arnie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape is the touching and entertaining story of an unusual family that rises up to do the astonishing…Gilbert Grape is a 24-year-old grocery store clerk stuck in Endora, Iowa, where the population is 1,091 and shrinking. After the suicide of Gilbert's father, his family never recovered. Once the town beauty queen, Gilbert's mother is morbidly obese after seven years of house-bound depression; his younger sister is boy-crazy and God-fearing, while his older sister sacrifices everything for her family. And then there's Arnie, Gilbert's younger brother with special needs. With no one else to care for Arnie, Gilbert becomes his brother's main parent, and all four siblings must tend to the needs of their helpless, grieving mother.
  • Noteworthy


    A New York Public Library 2017 Best Books for Teens selected title! It's the start of Jordan Sun's junior year at the Kensington-Blaine Boarding School for the Performing Arts. Unfortunately, she's an Alto 2, which—in the musical theatre world—is sort of like being a vulture in the wild: She has a spot in the ecosystem, but nobody's falling over themselves to express their appreciation. So it's no surprise when she gets shut out of the fall musical for the third year straight. But then the school gets a mass email: A spot has opened up in the Sharpshooters, Kensington's elite a cappella octet. Worshiped … revered … all male. Desperate to prove herself, Jordan auditions in her most convincing drag, and it turns out that Jordan Sun, Tenor 1, is exactly what the Sharps are looking for.
  • 时光易老,我心不变


  • 漫画中的美食


  • 绝宠六宫:妖后很痞很倾城


  • hp心灵的救赎


  • Roundabout to Boston

    Roundabout to Boston

  • 电竞王者:大神来带飞


    网络上,她是神龙见首不见尾,有奖金的比赛必上,有敌方英雄必锤,凶残得不像个女孩子,找她陪打的人都能成功躺飞的宁神;现实中她是叛逆少女,嚣张学霸,外加动不动为金钱折腰,能屈能伸,亮瞎众人眼球。无心撩汉但身边桃花无数。 青春热血,越挫越勇;权门恩怨,阴谋厮杀从未间断,是结束,也是开始。复仇文,高甜巨宠帅裂天!简介无能,自行入坑。 系列文《帝国盛宠:纨绔校草是战神》已完结。
  • 领导的方与圆:洞察人性管理的奥秘


    我们常常听见有些领导抱怨:中国人真难管!我们的回应则是:谁让您管中国人?“管理”一共两个字,一个是“管”,一个是“理”。 “管事理人”,是领导者做好工作的根本。曾仕强教授在书中用风趣幽默的语言,向世人阐述了管理者“外圆内方”的领导艺术,令你在读后充分领悟领导者从成功到卓越的真谛。
  • 红楼媚妃黛玉劫


  • 一学就会做炒菜


  • 苏霍多尔

