宿命 (龙人日志系列#11)
在《宿命》中,当十六岁的斯嘉丽·潘恩醒过来并意识到自己正在变成一个龙人时,她努力想弄明白自己正发生着什么。在疏远了自己的父母朋友后,她唯一能转向的人只有塞奇——那个迅速成为了她生命挚爱的神秘男孩。然而,她发现,塞奇的家,已经无处可寻。斯嘉丽,孤零零地在世界上,无处可去,她寻找朋友,并努力与他们和解。一切似乎就要修复了,他们请她和他们一起参加去哈德逊河上一座废弃的小岛上的旅行——但是正当事情恢复的时候,斯嘉丽的真实力量显现了。她的朋友和敌人对于她比以往任何时候都困惑不解了。布雷克,仍然对她有好感,努力想修复关系。他看起来很真诚,而斯嘉丽也糊涂了。她挣扎着想是要和布雷克在一起还是等待塞奇,但塞奇已经无处可寻。当斯嘉丽最终找到了塞奇,他们度过了她生命中最浪漫的时光,同时也因为悲剧而黯然。因为塞奇就要死了,只还剩下几天时间活着了。同时,凯尔,变成了另一个唯一在这世界上的龙人,正在变得嗜血的残暴,寻找着斯嘉丽。凯特琳、迦勒和艾登商量,他们每个人执行不同的任务——迦勒去拦住和杀死凯尔,凯特琳去著名的耶鲁大学图书馆,研究古老的遗物,据说那遗物可以同时治疗和杀死龙人。这是和时间的赛跑,而且也可能太晚了。斯嘉丽正在迅速转变,几乎无法控制自己的改变,而且随着时间每一刻的流逝,塞奇就更接近死亡。随着本书在激动人心和令人震惊的转折中达到高潮,斯嘉丽将要作出一个决定性的选择——一个将永远改变世界的选择。斯嘉丽会为救塞奇的生命而作终极牺牲吗?她会为了爱情不惜冒一切危险吗?Second Chances
Second Chances is a hopeful and thoughtful compendium of anecdotes from people who have wanted another chance at something—and have taken it. It's the big stuff like going back to college after the kids have grown up, as well as the little things like getting a judo belt when you thought you could hardly manage a push-up. The book collects the hopeful examples of people who found a leg up, another spurt of energy, a hidden talent, or even an untapped strength, sometimes with the unexpected help of friends or strangers. Combining the feel-good qualities of One Good Deed and the crowdsourcing methods of Like My Mother Always Said, Erin McHugh's latest book is an inspirational guide about letting the future win over the past.The Subterraneans
Written over the course of three days and three nights, The Subterraneans was generated out of the same kind of ecstatic flash of inspiration that produced another one of Kerouac's early classics, On The Road. Centering around the tempestuous breakup of Leo Percepied and Mardou Foxtwo denizens of the 1950s San Francisco undergroundThe Subterraneans is a tale of dark alleys and smoky rooms, of artists, visionaries, and adventurers existing outside mainstream America's field of vision.
俗话说“爱拼才会赢”,为何我们提“奋斗才会赢”? 冷静分析,不难找出答案。人生短暂,要想成就一番事业,必须保持“奋斗才会赢”的精神,方能把握机遇,实现成功。奋斗,起于一个“奋”字。“奋”是一种态度、一种气魄、一种谋略,奋斗才会赢,落于一个“斗”字。再好的蓝图,如果不去斗,就无法实现,就是空谈。《人生是场修行》就是一本关于奋斗智慧的美文集。