一朝魂穿,黑眸再次睁开,她不再是她,因所谓的救世七星转世,让她横穿异世。呵!真可笑!自古红颜都是亡国劫,有谁会让一个魅术无双的妖女来救世的?可是偏偏她就成了灭世魔君的心尖之人。是爱?是恨?是救苍生还是毁天下?一切皆在她的一念之间......Harold Pinter Plays 2
The second volume of Harold Pinter's collected work includes The wkkk.net CaretakerIt was with this play that Harold Pinter had his first major success. The obsessive caretaker, Davies, is a classic comic creation, and his uneasy relationship with the enigmatic Aston and Mick a landmark in twentieth-century drama.'The play remains a masterpiece.' Daily Telegraph The Collection This one-act play for television explores the sexual manoeuvres between two couples in the clothing trade. 'Taps the adrenal flow of contemporary guilt and anxiety.' Time The Lover Richard and Sarah conduct themselves with apparent respectability in the mornings, whilst living out a sequence of erotic rituals in the afternoons. 'Beautifully written... the sexiest play I remember seeing on the television.' Sunday Times The volume also includes Night School and The Dwarfs, plus five revue sketches written during the same period.科幻卷(全球华语小说大系)