Only women and girls are allowed in the Red Abbey, a haven from abuse and oppression. Maresi, a thirteen-year-old novice there, arrived in the hunger winter and now lives a happy life in the Abbey, protected by the Mother and reveling in the vast library in the House of Knowledge, her favorite place. Into this idyllic existence comes Jai, a girl with a dark past. She has escaped her home after witnessing the killing of her beloved sister. Soon the dangers of the outside world follow Jai into the sacred space of the Abbey, and Maresi can no longer hide in books and words but must become one who acts. Bound for international success, Maresi will be published in 15 territories around the world!豪门暗斗:弃妇不可欺
本书选择了一个非常独特的视角,从经济学中的“数字”入手,比如 GDP、CPI、基尼系数、恩格尔系数,比如幸福指数、巨无霸指数、生活成本指数、贴现率、赔率等,话题从这些关系国计民生、贴近百姓生活的经济参 数开始,介绍这些数字、指数、常数的渊源、发展、运用、计算、作用、我国目前所处的水平以及和老百姓的关系。本书稿内容涵盖了经济学的各个领 域,语言生动、幽默,既是一本普及读物,又可当成一本工具书。阅读本书,不仅可以给读者带来一定的阅读兴趣、增加经济学知识,而 且可以对读者的生活与工作起到一定的指导作用。