从健康角度来说,饭不宜吃得过饱,八分为最好。其实,我们为人处事从智慧与和谐的角度来说,遵循八分饱的尺度也是最合适的。所谓人生的八分饱智慧,指的是为人处事行止有度,屈伸合拍。八分饱的人生智慧,讲究的是一种和谐、有弹性的生活方式。遵循八分智慧的人,不会认为自己所提倡的是绝对的真理,他们只是在努力地接近生活的内核,并希望能窥探到八分真相。因此,八分饱的人生智慧,本身就是一种“在路上”的智慧。Trans-Siberian Express
An epic tale about a land and a people Winston Churchill called "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."American cancer specialist Dr. Alex Cousins is on a covert mission to the USSR. He is tasked with prolonging the life of Soviet Politburo Chief, Viktor Moiseyevich Dimitrov, who is suffering from advanced stage leukemia. But the tenuous confidence between the unlikely colleagues is shattered one night as Alex accidentally discovers Dimitrov's diabolical plans for a nuclear strike on China. Alex soon finds himself dispatched, homeward bound, on a six-thousand-mile journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Express; long enough, Alex realizes, to silence him from alerting the U.S. of the imminent destruction.