军事是一个国家和民族强大和稳定的象征,在国家生活中具有举足轻重的作用。国家兴亡,匹夫有责,全面而系统地掌握军事知识,是我们每一个人光荣的责任和义务,也是我们进行国防教育的主要内容。四书五经·诗 书 礼 易 春秋
The Hothouse was first produced in 1980, though Harold Pinter wrote the play in 1958 just before commencing work on The Caretaker.'The Hothouse is one of Pinter's best plays: one that deals with the worm-eaten corruption of bureaucracy, the secrecy of government and the disjunction between language and experience.'Michael Billington.'The Hothouse is at once sinister and hilarious, suggesting an unholy alliance between Kafka and Fedyeau.'The National Theatre presented a major revival of The Hothouse in July 2007.'The foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the twentieth century.'Swedish Academy citation on awarding Harold Pinter the Nobel Prize for Literature, 2005没有不带伤的船(保持学生良好心态的故事全集)