以最少的付出换取最大的“效用”,这是花钱购物的最高经济原则。花钱购物应该有一定的计划性。每个家庭都应该有远期、中期、近期的打算,先拟好支出项目,编订预算。在编定预算时,应量入为出,只能开支已有或确有把握的收入,而且应留有余地。要反复地考虑,妥当安排吃、穿、住、用、赡养、教育、文娱、交往、储蓄等生活费用的比例,对全家共同需求和个别需要作统筹安排。从安排次序讲,一般要首先保证全家的吃住,保证尽到赡养之资,保证子女的教育费用,安排好婚嫁事宜,然后才是娱乐、发展费用。从安排重点讲,穿的多想到青年,尤其是女孩;吃的方面多想到幼童和老年年人,当然,中年夫妻也不能太“苦”了自己。Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
'A comic novel on the grand scale written with tremendous confidence and verve. Mario, 18-year-old law student and radio news-editor, falls scandalously for his Aunt Julia, the 32-year-old divorced wife of a cousin, and the progressively lunatic story of this affair is interwoven with episodes from a series of radio soap-operas written by his friend Pedro Comacho. Vargas Llosa's huge energy and inventiveness is extravagant and fabulously funny.'