随着国家在房地产行业展开的大规模整顿进入到实质层,中国房地产行业正经历一场改变竞争格局的行业洗牌,“强者恒强”的格局必然成为一大趋势。于是,众多的分析都一致认为,“万科作为地产领导者的地位会越来越明显”。其先前所积累下来的各种优势条件,将进一步强化万科作为未来中国房地产行业长跑冠军的基因特征。与此对照的是,万科战略的制定者王石,更是已经就万科未来10年的目标给出了明确的定位——成为一家伟大的公司。The Siege
Ismail Kadare's The Siege dramatizes a relentless fictional assault on a Christian fortress in the Albanian mountains by the Ottoman Army in the fifteenth century. As the bloody and psychologically crushing struggle for control over the citadel unfolds, Kadare's newest work opens a window onto the eternal clash between religions and empires as well as the exhilaration, despair, and immediacy of the wkkk.net is a hugely respected novelist and a hero to his people, as well as an outspoken critic of all forms of totalitarianism. The Siege is a powerfully atmospheric … and vividly rendered (The Telegraph) novel of considerable cumulative power and resonance for our own times.情难自禁:总裁的闪婚甜妻