

As soon as Mom left on Saturday for her job interview, Winter jumped out of bed—fully dressed—and said, "C'mon, Star, let's hit the mall." She was in such a good mood, I thought maybe Mom had been right. Maybe this was just a phase. (I still think Winter should get to go back to public school, though.)

I pulled on tights, a jean skirt, and my worn-out pair of combat boots. They used to be Winter's, back when she was thirteen. She used to lace them with rainbow shoelaces and paint splotches of nail polish on the toes to make them look blood-splattered. The nail polish has chipped off, but they're comfortable and warm and keep the rain out.

That's what I say to Mom when she asks me why I wear them every day instead of the almost-new high-tops she bought me. The truth is, I don't like my high-tops because they make my feet look flat, like duck feet. But Gloria says Mom spent a lot of money on them, thinking that I'd like them, since they were just like the ones she used to wear. I didn't want to be mean, so I told Mom I'd wear them when it stopped raining. Which I hoped was never.

Today was a good day to be wearing combat boots, because the puddles from last night's rain hadn't dried up, and the clouds right above Treasure Trailers looked like they were about to explode. We jumped into the pickup, and after Winter started the engine, I noticed the gas needle hanging right above E. I remembered Mom saying a couple of days before that Winter's gas would have to last her through the weekend, but Winter didn't seem worried. We practically flew out of Treasure Trailers, and in the rearview mirror I thought I saw the tinfoil man's tinfoil-covered blinds moving.

Then Winter said, out of nowhere, "Don't you think it's a little weird that we're not allowed to talk to Dad?"

"I thought it was the other way around," I said.

"Yeah, me, too," Winter said. "But I've been thinking. I mean, he sent me that card. Maybe he was hoping I'd, like, find him."

Just you? I thought, trying to remember the line he'd written at the end. Hope you and your sister are doing well. It didn't seem like much, but it was proof that Dad hadn't completely forgotten about me, like I'd always assumed.

Because even though Mom wouldn't let him talk to us, even though she said that she refused to let him walk in and out of our lives whenever he wanted, it was obvious that he did care. About Winter, at least. Mom and Gloria had never said anything, but I kind of already knew that Winter was Dad's favorite. She'd gotten the truck, after all, and the card, and she was the one he'd wanted to see at the fair, not me.

Mom had tried to convince me that I'd wanted to go on the Ferris wheel so much that I didn't care about seeing him, but that wasn't true. I remember trying to lift up the metal safety bar and crawl out of my seat, even though I was thirty feet up in the air. When I think about how close I was to seeing him, my ribs still ache.

But when I think about that line, Hope you and your sister are doing well, it's like I'm back on the Ferris wheel again, except it's coming back down this time, and Dad's waiting there on the ground for me.

"Do you want to come with me?" Winter asked.

I whirled my head around to face her. "To the mall?" I asked. We were practically there already. The big marquee in the parking lot blinked out a 40 percent off sale, but I didn't catch where before it switched to the time and temperature.

"No, silly. To see Dad. Were you even listening?"

"We're going to see Dad?" I didn't care about the mall anymore. I wanted Winter to make the most illegal U-turn possible and drive us to Dad right then. "You know where he lives?"

Winter said he'd put his address on the card envelope and that she'd memorized the street name and number. "We know he still lives in Brookings," she added. Gloria had let that slip a long time ago.

But that was a problem. Dad lived in Brookings, and while we used to live just outside of Brookings, we were now living about a hundred miles south of the Oregon border. On the worst highway of all time, 101. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't run along so many cliffs, or if it had more than one lane once in a while. It made for long, headachy trips.

I glanced again at the truck's fuel gauge, where the needle was still hovering over the E. We'd probably need a full tank of gas to get to Dad and back.

Winter agreed. She said we probably wouldn't be going for a while, since she needed to secure some funds. I didn't know what that meant, so Winter explained that Mom would know something was wrong if Winter blew an entire week's worth of gas in one day.

That's why we were going to the mall, it turned out. We weren't buying anything. Winter just needed a job. I offered to contribute the five dollars I had in my coin purse back home, but Winter told me not to worry about it as she pulled into a space outside the food court.

According to Winter, the food court is a revolving door of teenage workers. We started there and walked through the entire mall, one store at a time, Winter asking for job applications and me holding the ones she'd already gotten. I could picture Winter working in pretty much any store—except Style Cuts, of course. We made sure to avoid that one and the ones next to it, even though Gloria wasn't working that day. After all, Gloria's always going on and on about the other stylists and who thinks who's too fat and who thinks who's too skinny and who thinks whose styling credentials are fake. Clearly, they are all gossips.

It took us an hour and a half to get through all the stores, and then we sat down in the bookstore café so Winter could fill out the applications. That took another two hours. I looked for a book about clubs and didn't find any, not even in the Dummies section. I doubted Dad would be impressed when I told him my club had only two other people in it.

Maybe I was worrying too much, though. I'd only had one meeting, and clubs always start out small before getting bigger. Someone would probably join next week. Genny might have some friends who could come, and then I could finally make some friends, even if they were fourth-graders.

Satisfied, I left the self-help section and instead went and read the backs of all the Stephen King books. (He's a writer like Winter, but his stories are less bloody.)

When Winter finished, we went back through the mall, dropping off the applications. Most people said, "We'll call you," while shoving the application into a drawer under the cash register. A few people looked over what Winter had written and asked, "Can you come by tomorrow for an interview?" By the time we left the mall, it was raining. Anyone who says California is nice and sunny has never set foot in the state.

Not that I cared that much, because before long we'd be back in Oregon anyway.

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