渴望 (吸血鬼日志系列#10)
在《渴望》(《吸血鬼传承》系列#2)中,十六岁的斯嘉丽·潘恩努力想弄明白自己正变成什么。她古怪的行为使新男朋友——布雷克疏远她,她努力道歉,努力想使他明白。但问题是,她都不明白自己正在发生什么。同时,新来的男孩,神秘的赛奇,走进她生命中。他们的生命之路持续交叉,并且虽然她极力避免,虽然她最好的朋友玛利亚反对(她确信斯嘉丽正在抢走赛奇),他径直追逐着她。斯嘉丽发现自己被赛奇迷住。他把她带进他的世界,带着她穿过他家富有历史感的河中大楼的大门。随着他们关系的深化,她开始了解更多他神秘的过往,他的家庭,还有他必须保守的秘密。在哈德逊一座隐秘的岛屿上,他们一起度过了她能想象的最浪漫的时光,而且她确信自己找到了生命的真爱。但是随后,她震惊地知道了赛奇最大的秘密——他也不是人类,而且他活着的时间只剩下几个星期了。悲剧的是,就在命运将最爱带到她生命中时,似乎又注定要把他带走。当斯嘉丽回到高中学校派对并参加舞会时,她以与朋友们发生争吵而告终,被朋友排除在圈子外。同时,薇薇安集结受欢迎的女孩将她的生活推入地狱,而引发了一场不可避免的冲突。斯嘉丽被迫想逃遁,她与父母的关系越来越糟,并不久便发现身边处处是压力。她生命中唯一的光是赛奇。但是他仍然保守着一些秘密,同时布雷克重新出现,决心继续追求她。同时,凯特琳决心要找到治疗斯嘉丽吸血鬼瘟疫的办法。她所发现的东西引她踏上寻找解药、深入善本古籍图书馆和书店的旅途,并且她会不惜一切代价找到它。但这也许太晚了。斯嘉丽正在迅速转变,几乎无法控制自己正在变成的东西。她想和赛奇厮守在一起,但命运似乎注定要将他们两个人分开。随着本书在激动人心和令人震惊的转折中达到高潮,斯嘉丽将要作出一个决定性的选择——一个将会永远改变世界的选择。她将愿意为爱情作多大冒险?Iron Cast
It's Boston, 1919, and the Cast Iron club is packed. On stage, hemopaths —whose "afflicted" blood gives them the ability to create illusions through art —Corinne and Ada have been best friends ever since infamous gangster Johnny Dervish recruited them into his circle. By night they perform for Johnny's crowds, and by day they con Boston's elite. When a job goes wrong and Ada is imprisoned, she realizes how precarious their position is. After she escapes, two of the Cast Iron's hires are shot, and Johnny disappears. With the law closing in, Corinne and Ada are forced to hunt for answers, even as betrayal faces them at every turn. An ideal next read for fans of Libba Bray's The Diviners.Forever, With You (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 3
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)"A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman (Emily) to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining."--Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re For Now and Forever)
他是人人膜拜景仰的贵族,尊贵高傲,霸气凌人。她是萧氏第一操盘手,手控财运,业界翘楚。三年恩爱,他转身就对她弃如敝履。外公被逼当众跳楼,脑浆迸裂。下一刻,她被汽车横街撞死,灵魂出窍。再醒来,她身世不凡,容貌极品,形同妖孽。望着杂志封面上那个曾将她打入地狱的绝色男子,她眯着滟滟双眸,冷然一笑,王者归来!入主财团,创建公司,晋升国际MUSE;跨界投资、运作集团、在金融风暴中开创股市神话,剽悍阻截商界帝王……金鳞岂是池中物,一遇风云便化龙。她自硝烟弥漫中强势起家,眼底深沉似海、笑容讳莫如深。杀伐决断、算无遗策、滴水不漏,让无数故人胆战心惊,求死不得。不过,谁来告诉她,为什么这复仇之路走得越来越春光荡漾?The Dream
Renowned for his nonfiction accounts of the historical events of which he was both an eyewitness and shaper, Churchill was also an occasional writer of fiction. This is one of his fictional works—a short story in which the ghost of his father, Randolph, pays him a visit. Churchill reveals to his father all the goings-on in the world since his death in 1985, leaving out one crucial detail—his own important part in determining the unfolding of these events.At once lyrical and nostalgic, The Dream is a fascinating foray into creative narration for Churchill—demonstrating a surprising weightiness of emotion and significance.趣味地理:激起你的冒险欲望(青少年科学探索·求知·发现丛书)