
第6章 Wild Safari Adventure

A safari adventure is a great unisex party. We had a few friends come over, and the kids had a blast. Both the boys and the girls got super into it. We had a mini safari and made binoculars to complete the search. The binoculars were made out of toilet paper cardboard inserts and were adorable. As I've mentioned, I love recycling and reusing. It teaches our kids about the planet and encourages creative play! Other ideas for a safari party include animal face painting and safari-inspired snacks like animal crackers and banana chips.


This safari-themed recipe makes a yummy ice-cream shake that kids and parents will love. Get creative by adding the kids' favorite gooey toppings, and have fun with it.


2 cups mint chip ice cream (or your child's favorite ice cream)

1/2 cup milk, or less

2 Oreo cookies

1 graham cracker, crumbled (optional)

Use a blender to combine the ice cream, milk, and cookies until the consistency is smooth. For a thicker milkshake, use less milk. Sprinkle graham crackers on top, if desired, and serve in a chilled glass with a straw.


Field binoculars are standard issue for any safari adventure. How else are you supposed to spot all the animals? So grab some household items, and let's get this adventure started.

2 toilet paper cardboard inserts (or 1 paper towel insert cut in half) per kid

2 tablespoons each of various paint colors

1 paintbrush per color

1 (15- to 20-inch) leather string per kid

1 hole punch for crafts

1 bottle nontoxic glue

Have the children paint the cardboard inserts any way they would like. Let them use a wide array of colors—creative play is the name of the game. Once the masterpieces have dried, glue the two pieces together, side by side. Using a hole punch, create a hole on the outer side of each cardboard insert in order to attach the leather string. Just feed the ends of the leather string through each hole and knot inside. Next up? Wildlife safari!


Turn safari-goers into the animals of their choice. From tigers to bears, the possibilities are endless. It's a fun way to engage the adventurers and ignite their creativity.

1 animal mask per kid

Selection of paints and brushes

1 pair of scissors

Pick up animal masks from a local craft store, or trace and cut out your own using thin cardboard or poster board. Have each kid think of an animal and paint their rendition of it. It can even be a made-up animal. Most masks will come with elastic bands. If you make your own, pick up some elastic from the craft store and attach the ends to each side of the mask.


Scavenger hunt meets hide-and-seek! Hide animal figures around the backyard, and have the kids go on a safari adventure to find them. You can reuse animal figures that your kids may already have, or purchase new ones at a local toy store. It's also worth checking out local thrift stores for treasures. A fun way to end the hunt is to play a variation of charades in which the kids act out the animals they've found, and everyone has to guess which animal they are portraying. Guaranteed to keep everyone guessing—and laughing—until all the animals, real and make-believe, have had their turn in the spotlight.


? Create a super-cute safari station that includes your favorite animal-shaped gummy candies.

? Make cute signs to put up at the different stations of the party. Hand-painted signs are an easy way to make your party look authentic. You and your kids can create cute names that have adventure themes like "Rainforest Exploration" or "Wildlife Reserve."

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