
第7章 Spring Is in the Air

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. We spend lots of time in our yard, reading and doing crafts. The girls also love doing fairy hunts in the spring. We walk through our neighborhood and try to get to the beach if we can. For the past few years it has rained on Jagger's birthday, which is in the spring, but usually it is sunny skies here in California. It is the perfect time for a little gathering with the kids. For this party, I've included an easy watermelon pops recipe, an eggshell flower craft, and a fun-filled balloon relay race for a spring-inspired day.


We love watermelon, and it is a yummy and healthy treat for our kids. Spring is the perfect opportunity to bring out the fresh watermelon. The girls love these unique pops because it is a totally new way to eat the fruit they love.


1 large watermelon

20 Popsicle sticks



Cut 2-inch-thick slices of watermelon, and then cut each slice into triangular quarters. Make a small cut in the middle of the green rind of each piece, and insert a Popsicle stick. When you're ready to serve, lay the pops on a bed of ice in a bucket for the kids to eat cold.


This is an awesome craft because you can use items around the house or outside. As a family, we always love to find ways to reuse and recycle. Preparing for this party, we cooked scrambled eggs for breakfast, saved the shells, and then cleaned them out for this special craft.

1 egg per kid

2 to 4 pinches of soil per egg

2 or 3 flowers and pieces of greenery per egg

1 or 2 pinches of moss per egg

When you crack the egg, make sure you tap only the tip on the side of the sink and pull apart the top of the shell so the bottom stays intact. Rinse and let dry. If there are any jagged pieces, break them off so it's not as sharp. Have each child place some soil in the bottom of the egg. Clip flowers and greenery for each child to create his or her own arrangement. Place moss around the flowers for an extra spring-y look.


This balloon race is much easier to clean up than the traditional egg-and-spoon race. First, create an obstacle course that the kids go through—this can be as simple or as complex as you want. Each player stands behind the starting line with a filled water balloon balanced on a spoon. Start the race by counting down or blowing a whistle. All players must go as fast as they can while balancing their balloons. Any player who drops the balloon must get a new one and start over. The first player who succeeds in balancing the balloon all the way through the obstacle course wins. Remember to tell the kids that their hands can be used only to hold the spoon. It was incredible to see how much fun kids can have with just water balloons and spoons. And when it turned into a water fight, it reminded me of hot days from my own childhood. Seeing all the kids working together was adorable and proved to us that kids need very little to have a good time.


? Whenever possible, use things that you already have accessible. We had a blast doing the eggshell craft, and all of the supplies were found in and around our home. We used eggs from the refrigerator and fresh flowers and soil from our yard.

? Simplicity is often key. Taking fresh fruit and turning it into pops or making classic lemonade and putting it in a beautiful bottle is a way to liven up any party and keep it on a budget.

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