叶莘缈怎么也想不到,自己竟然会穿越到一个女尊王朝!身边美男环绕,腹黑帝君月皓宸暗自施计让冷血女帝一步步走上歪路。宫女:“王上,帝君病了,说是无药可救。非要您亲自去一趟才行。”龙椅上,某王上慵懒的抬眸:“那就准备好棺材吧。”宫女:“……”两人相杀相爱,从一开始的互相看不顺眼再到最后的白头偕老。冷血王上和腹黑帝君的故事才刚刚开始……情节虚构,请勿模仿King Jesus
In Graves' unique retelling of his life, Jesus is very much a mortal, and the grandson of King Herod the Great. When his father runs afoul of the King's temper and is executed, Jesus is raised in the house of Joseph the Carpenter. The kingdom he is heir to, in this version of the story, is very much a terrestrial one: the Kingdom of Judea. Graves tells of Jesus' rise as a philosopher, scriptural scholar, and charismatic speaker in sharp detail, as well as his arrest and downfall as a victim of pitiless Roman politics.