原本的富家千金,一夜间沦为身负巨债的孤儿。父亲病逝,继母卷款背弃,男友劈腿……一个又一个男人出现,有所爱,有所恨,不断牵扯出她的身世之谜。背后那个性取向不明的男人,偷偷将她在颠沛流离中保全。无人知道,这个人人敬畏的冰山冷面大总裁,竟是个宠妻狂魔?!Earth Apples
While best known for his fiction, Edward Abbey was also an enthusiastic creator of verse. Earth Apples, Abbey's first and only collection of poetry, adds to his literary reputation as an irreverent writer. Whether writing about vast desert landscapes, New York City, or a love of bawdy women, Abbey's verse is eloquent and unapologetically passionate. The poems gathered here, published digitally for the first time, are culled from Abbey's journals and give an insightful and unique glance into the mind of this literary legend.