War of the End of the World
The War of the End of the World is one of the great modern historical novels. Inspired by a real episode in Brazilian history, Mario Vargas Llosa tells the story of an apocalyptic movement, led by a mysterious prophet, in which prostitutes, beggars and bandits establish Canudos, a new republic, a libertarian paradise.龙少的金丝雀
S市令人闻风丧胆的大佬龙冠霖,看上了娱乐新星周忻露,不择手段的让浑身带刺的小野猫掉入他的陷井签下了“卖身契”,如愿成为他圈养的“金丝雀”。为了驯服这只野猫似的“金丝雀”,他乐此不疲的实行不服从就扑倒扑倒再扑倒的原则。后来他发现剧情没有按他的剧本来进行,当初一把“龙麟”剑横扫S市的冷酷魔王居然一步步堕落成了她专属的“小狼狗”。多年后,某女侧卧在床,抚摸某男那浓密的头发。“乖,听话,下半辈子我会对你好的。”“听话,是不是就可以让我每天吃饱?”“再吃,老娘连渣都不剩了。”“龙家未来的人丁兴旺可就靠你了,来老婆,再生一个。”遇到这种事,小狼狗秒变大灰狼。“三个了,不生了,封肚了”某女扶腰怒斥大灰狼。The Kingdom of the Blind