Suddenly Missing You
小谷花芽和良田奏一年前从神奈川的一所艺术大学毕业,虽说念的是导演系,但是毕业之后真正能从事导演工作的人少之又少,这点无论是花芽还是在大学就组了电影拍摄小组的良田都心知肚明。毕业后他们俩和三四个同校的朋友到东京生活,这里和家乡的小镇不同,无论何时打开窗户,都会有光亮照进屋里,但是这种大楼的照明光却丝毫不像清晨的太阳,无法带来任何温暖还好这间屋子被布置得很温馨,窗帘是柔软棉布质地,简单的蓝白格子图案,只要拉起窗帘就是属于自己的世界。Wife to Mr. Milton
The famous poet John Milton, author of Paradise Lost, had a wife, and their story is both strange and tumultuous. Consummate historical novelist and poet Robert Graves tells the story from the perspective of the wife, Marie Powell, a young woman who married the poet to escape a debt.From the start, the couple proves mismatched; Milton is a domineering and insensitive husband set on punishing Marie for not providing the promised dowry. John Milton and his young wife are both religiously and temperamentally incompatible, and this portrait of their relationship is spellbinding, if not distinctly unflattering to Milton. It also provides fascinating accounts of the political upheavals of the time, including the execution of Charles I. This book is an excellent read for fans of historical fiction.报告将军,妖女她换了魂!