在生活和工作中,我们会经常遇到急脾气的人,很多人也许会觉得急脾气不算什么,是性格中的一种,习惯就好了。其实,急脾气是人们性格上的一种缺陷,是情绪上的一种误区,是心理上的一种病毒。如果我们不加以重视,它就会像病毒一样,快速地吞噬我们的健康情绪,让我们陷入浮躁的泥潭不能自拔,最终会影响到我们的生活、工作、学习,更严重的还会改变我们命运的轨迹。本书详尽地分析了急脾气对人生各方面的危害,结合实例进行论证,全面解读急脾气的产生与由来,同时阐述了远离急脾气的智慧与方法,帮助读者更好地认知急脾气的危害,更快地摆脱急脾气的影响,以更加理性、健康的情绪面对生活,成为主宰自己人生的强者。There Must Be Showers
Interior designer Shelley Scott's turbulent marriage ended in divorce--and she's finally back on her feet. But when she lands a wealthy new client and realizes it's her ex-husband, handsome and elegant Nick Montpelier, she curses her bad luck.Soon she realizes Nick has hired her to decorate the beautiful mansion where they both once planned to live--for the new woman in Nick's life. Determined to do the job, earn the money, and never look back, Shelley never dreams she'll fall back into Nick's arms--and back in love.