他是每天都会被自己帅醒的男神校草,臭美自大且无良,挥挥手,桃花朵朵开,其乐无穷。唯与她势不两立。她是每天都要盘点几次身家的贪财女生,强势霸道且邪恶。她来这所学校的目的就来拯救这个学渣校草的。拿人钱财,替人追男,这套校草出浴照,应该能卖个好价钱吧!How It Is
Published in French in 1961, and in English in 1964, How It Is is a novel in three parts, written in short paragraphs, which tell (abruptly, cajolingly, bleakly) of a narrator lying in the dark, in the mud, repeating his life as he hears it uttered - or remembered - by another voice. Told from within, from the dark, the story is tirelessly and intimately explicit about the feelings that pervade his world, but fragmentary and vague about all else therein or beyond. Together with Molloy, How It Is counts for many readers as Beckett's greatest accomplishment in the novel form. It is also his most challenging narrative, both stylistically and for the pessimism of its vision, which continues the themes of reduced circumstance, of another life before the present, and the self-appraising search for an essential self, which were inaugurated in the great prose narratives of his earlier trilogy.