“7月10日晚9点,第八山地混成团士兵拉姆金德尔用步枪朝自己所在的步兵连两名上尉各开一枪,沃尔玛上尉当场身亡,葛布尔上尉肩部中弹,身负重伤。根据医生的诊断报告,假若弹着点再低两英寸,葛布尔上尉也必死无疑。依据军法第69条和刑法第302条,我部军事法庭受理了这起由步兵连士兵拉姆金德尔一手造成的枪杀案件……”军方检察官波利少校字斟句酌地陈述着案情。Count Belisarius
Threatened by invaders on all sides, the Roman Empire in the sixth century fought to maintain its borders. Leading its defense was the Byzantine general Belisarius, a man who earned the grudging respect of his enemies, and who rose to become the Emperor Justinian's greatest military leader.Loosely based on Procopius' History of the Justinian Wars and Secret History, this novel tells the general's story through the eyes of Eugenius, a eunuch and servant to the general's wife. It presents a compelling portrait of a man bound by a strict code of honor and unrelenting loyalty to an emperor who is intelligent but flawed, and whose decisions bring him to a tragic end. Eminent historical novelist and classicist Robert Graves presents a vivid account of a time in history both dissolute and violent, and demonstrates one again his mastery of this historical period.企业规范化管理系统实施方案·理论思路清理