夫妻交拜时,她袖中无意间飞出的菜刀差点砍死她的夫君洞房花烛时,她的夫君手拿血帕差点咳死在她的面前*初见他时,他白衣若仙,俊颜无双再见他时,他身着吉服用秤干挑起了她的盖头红烛下,他笑得宛若谪仙白皙的容颜渐渐变红,他低眉浅笑道:“咳咳,娘子,为夫为你宽衣解带可好?咳咳……”她为他的倾世容颜所折服,可是那一声好字还未出口只见她的夫君已经口吐鲜血,压在她身上若死人般毫无声息……*成亲那日,他丰神俊朗,骑着高头大马替他二哥迎她过门看见的不是身着凤冠霞帔的她而是腰别菜刀一脸视死如归的她银白月光下,他曾对她说:“总有一天,我会带你离开这里。”不想,有一天,这个诺言竟然实现了……*他是垚国的皇子权势滔天,却对她有着莫名其妙的恨他曾告诫她:“离他远一点,否则你会生不如死。”然而,沧海桑田斗转星移,那个生不如死的人好像却是他自己……*她——远近驰名的鱼贩西施将如何用一把菜刀驾驭众美男---------------------------推荐自己的完结文:《小妾是这样炼成的》为何她一穿越就脱了她家夫君的裤子?《英雄难过囧女关》十五岁那年,她在哥哥的碗里下了药,让自己成为了哥哥的人《傻妾》一个傻女竟然也敢红杏出墙,还不知廉耻地怀了身孕The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham's 1957 book The Midwich Cuckoos is better known by the more sensational title of its two film adaptations, Village of the Damned. The story begins with Richard and Janet Gayford who have spent the night of September 26 in London, returning to their home in Midwich the following day. Then, in ways that are difficult to pin down, the village seems changed--not quite the same place that it was before. The nightmare that descends on Midwich has dire implications for the rest of the world; whatever dwells there is sowing the seeds for a master race of ruthless and inhumane creatures who are bent on nothing less than absolute and total domination.