本书收录求鲤悬疑小说四篇。《我是冯同》关注当下,展现了都市普通青年白领因生活苦闷最终精神分裂的噩梦;《司马氏的崛起》则将目光转向历史深处,以一个非核心人物司马徽来重新演绎了一番三国阴谋论。相较于《退休神探》的口味清淡与正能量,《狼人杀》则是一个充满血腥、恐怖与绝望的故事。More Pricks Than Kicks
His first published work of fiction (1934), More Pricks Than Kicks is a set of ten interlocked stories, set in Dublin and involving their adrift hero Belacqua in a series of encounters, as woman after woman comes crashing through his solipsism. More Pricks contains in embryo the centrifugal world of Beckett's men and women. She lifted the lobster clear of the table. It had about thirty seconds to live. Well, thought Belacqua, it's a quick death, God help us all. It is not.天价娇妻,封少宠不停