对中国企业跨国并购过程中的新情况、新形势和新问题,本书首先重点分析中国企业跨国并购的内外部形势、特点,深层次挖掘企业本身的动因,从多个维度归纳整理主要的并购类型。然后,具体总结中国企业跨国并购的实施流程,结合具体实施阶段,分析并购过程中的主要风险点,并从而提出应对风险的对策和建议。最后,收集整理国内外对跨国并购的监管环境和审批流程,从国家和企业两个层面,对推动跨国并购的发展提出对策和建议。Soldier, Brother, Sorcerer (Of Crowns and Glory—Bo
"Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons).SOLDIER, BROTHER, SORCERER is book #5 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1).