中国传统养生强调人与自然界的关系,认为人应顺应自然环境、四时气候,主动调整自我,保持与自然界的平衡,以避免外邪的入侵,“道法自然”。中医养生从千年文明中不断吸取精华,以中医的阴阳学说、五行学说、气血精液、脏腑学说、经络学说等理论为基础,根据中医“整体观念”和“辩证论治”的特点,以食疗、针灸、按摩、气功等丰富多样的养生方法为手段,总结出一套神奇且行之有效的养生大法,成为人们预防疾病、保养身体、促进康复的重要依托。本书综合了历代养生名家名著的理论,针对二十四节气制定了饮食、运动、食疗、起居等方面具体的养生方案,读者可以掌握并运用到生活当中,轻松地为自己和家人的健康保驾护航。Ruler, Rival, Exile (Of Crowns and Glory—Book 7)
"Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons).RULER, RIVAL, EXILE is book #7 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1), a free download.