她处心积虑的策划了这么久,终于登上了那个宝座。可中间有一些意外是她无法避免的,最后她还是爱上了他。她叹气道:“我为什么会爱上你呢?”某个不要脸的说:“就因为我迷人啊。可暖床,可拎包,可萌,可帅”她揉了揉酸痛的腰生气的说:“你给我滚!今晚别想进房间,滚去书房睡去!”某男:“别呀,老婆我错了”—————————分割线———————夜晚,某个萌宝正无聊的坐在沙发上对着某男说:“爸,妈咪又玩消失了!”某男的脸微微的抽搐了一下道:“就你妈那爱玩的天性还不得消失几天再出现!别等了快洗洗睡吧!”某宝看了看钟头平静的说“肯定又是你弄的”某男不要脸的说“难道你不想要一个萌萌的妹妹吗?”某宝眼睛一亮自觉地说“奶奶想我了,我要去看奶奶”某男:不愧是我儿子城市某个角落里的某女突然打了个喷嚏某女:有坏事要发生啊?!Sergeant Lamb's America
The first in a two-book series, Sergeant Lamb's America tells the story Sergeant Roger Lamb, an Irish soldier who served on the British side during the American War of Independence. Based on real historical events and people, Sergeant Lamb recounts the British defeat and the capture of his unit at the Battle of Saratoga in a voice that's both funny, insightful, and wise.This fictionalized account is based on the journals of the historical Sergeant Roger Lamb, and is largely faithful to the true eyewitness account of the American Revolution told from the loser's perspective. With his engaging, personable voice and basic decency of character, Sergeant Lamb reminds us that regardless of how history casts the British side, there were good men on both sides of this important conflict.