本书由小故事入手,将一个个富有哲理的故事与理论相结合,向读者朋友翔实诠解了孩子成长过程中形成的各种良好的个性,并有针对性地提出了培养成功个性的实用方法,从而帮助父母引导孩子,由平凡迈向成功之巅。人生就如同一艘航船,行驶在茫茫的大海之中,在驶向成功彼岸的路上,有的人成功了,而有的人却迷失了自我,缘何?因为有的人做了自己命运的舵手,而有的人却随波逐流。你的孩子是哪一种人呢?Vernon God Little
Hailed by the critics and lauded by readers for its riotously funny and scathing portrayal of America in an age of trial by media, materialism, and violence, Vernon God Little was an international sensation when it was first published in 2003 and awarded the prestigious Man Booker wkkk.net memorable portrait of America is seen through the eyes of a wry, young, protagonist. Fifteen-year-old Vernon narrates the story with a cynical twang and a four-letter barb for each of his townsfolk, a medley of characters. With a plot involving a school shooting and death-row reality TV shows, Pierre's effortless prose and dialogue combine to form a novel of postmodern gamesmanship.