沈蔷薇魂穿到了豪门弃妇楚伊人的身上。楚伊人,花瓶女演员,性格柔弱,苦苦单相思男神多年,终于得偿所愿,嫁给了自己的男神,然而却死于非命,男神对她也是冷漠异常。沈蔷薇,女神中带着小逗比,一个厉害的逗比,最擅长扮猪吃老虎。蔷薇原来有男朋友霍铭初,两人相爱。魂穿以后,她还是想办法去找自己的“前”男友霍铭初吧。这个原主的男神怎么回事,干嘛拦着她!等、等、等一下,我真的不是你的老婆啊!上一世,蔷薇到底是怎么死的?重生以后的楚伊人想好了,她得想办法尽快离婚。于是,重生女主开始了她的造作之路。“外公不让我离婚,铭初回来了,对不住了啊,只有坐实了你国内出轨,外公才会同意让我离婚。”“楚伊人,你真的是越来越能耐了!”Hiroshima Mon Amour
One of the most influential works in the history of cinema, Alain Renais's Hiroshima Mon Amour gathered international acclaim upon its release in 1959 and was awarded the International Critics' Prize at the Cannes Film festival and the New York Film Critics' Award. Ostensibly the story of a love affair between a Japanese architect and a French actress visiting Japan to make a film on peace, Hiroshima Mon Amour is a stunning exploration of the influence of war on both Japanese and French culture and the conflict between love and inhumanity.