当终极反派BOSS成了个不按常理出牌的蛇精病,穿越重生的主角们,攻略准备好了吗?这个副本很难刷!重生主角:我不要重生,让我死!穿越主角:我不要穿越,让我回去!穿书主角:这特么是地狱模式的吗?反派都能上天了!说好的垫脚石呢?导演,我怀疑我拿了假剧本!黑化主角:老子不干了!ヽ(#`Д?)ノ明殊:下一个。#副本模式:普通、困难、地狱、明殊##宿主一言不合就自尽开屠杀#A Spy at the Heart of the Third Reich
In 1943 a young official from the German foreign ministry contacted Allen Dulles, an OSS officer in Switzerland who would later head the Central Intelligence Agency. That man was Fritz Kolbe, who had decided to betray his country after years of opposing Nazism. While Dulles was skeptical, Kolbe's information was such that he eventually admitted, "No single diplomat abroad, of whatever rank, could have got his hands on so much information as did this man; he was one of my most valuable agents during World War II." Using recently declassified materials at the U.S. National Archives and Kolbe's personal papers, Lucas Delattre has produced a work of remarkable scholarship that moves with the swift pace of a Le Carra thriller.