
第7章 你有多努力,就有多幸运(7)


Tonight we are going to listen to you. Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris crisscrossedAmerica asking movie goers and culture-makersa question: “What do movies mean to you?” Andyou answered. So lets expand this beautiful stageinto every one of your homes. And maybe evensome of you will answer this question as you standon this stage tonight, “What do movies mean toyou?” So pull up a sofa. Its just us, talking. ItsOscar night.



The speech at the end of the movie “The Kings Speech”

In this grave hour,perhaps the most fatefulin history, I send to everyhousehold of my peoples,both at home and overseas,this message, spoken withthe same depth of feeling foreach one of you as if I wereable to cross your thresholdand speak to you myself.

For the second timein the lives of most of us,we are at war. Over andover again, we have triedto find a peaceful way outof the differences betweenourselves and those who arenow our enemies; but it hasbeen in vain.

We have been forcedinto a conflict, for which weare called, with our alliesto meet the challenge of aprinciple which, if it wereto prevail, would be fatalto any civilized order in theworld.

It is to this high purposethat I now call my people athome and my peoples acrossthe seas, who will make ourcause their own. I ask themto stand calm and firm andunited in this time of trial. The task will be hard. Theremay be dark days ahead,and war can no longer beconfined to the battlefield,but we can only do the rightas we see the right, andreverently commit our causeto God. If one and all wekeep resolutely faithful to it,ready for whatever serviceor sacrifice it may demand,then with Gods help, weshall prevail.



我们被迫卷入这场战争,我们必须接受这个挑战 , 如 果 希 特 勒 大 行 其道,世界文明秩序将毁于一旦,这种信念褪去伪装之后,只是对强权的赤裸裸的追求。

为了扞卫我们珍视的一切,我们必须接受这个挑战。为此崇高目标,我呼吁国内的民众,以及国外的民众以此为己任。我恳请大家保持冷静和坚定,在考验面前团结起来,考验是严峻的。我们还会面临一段艰难的日子,战争也不只局限于前线,只有心怀正义才能正确行事,我们在此虔诚地向上帝祈祷 , 只 要 每 个 人 坚 定 信念,在上帝的帮助下,我们必将胜利。


Nash in the film A Beautiful Minds speech

Thank you.

I,ve always believed in numbers, inthe equations and logics that lead to reason.

But after a lifetime of such pursuits,I ask, “What truly is logic? Who decidesreason?”

My quest has taken me through thephysical, the metaphysical, the delusional -and back.

And I have made the most importantdiscovery of my career, the most importantdiscovery of my life. It is only in themysterious equations of love that anylogical reasons can be found.

I,m only here tonight because of you(his wife, Alicia).

You are the reason I am. You are allmy reasons.

Thank you.









What we learn from the idol


[莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 / Leonardo DiCaprio]

I remember the first time I saw RobertDe Niro up on screen. I was 13 years old anddespite what I learned career day. I discoveredthat acting was in fact a profession. My fatherand I went to see Midnight Run and I remembermy dad at the beginning of the film pointed thescreen and saying “See that guy there? And thatguy is cool! His name is Robert De Niro. Youwanna watch a great actor? You remember hisface.”

Three years later I was in the position whileI needed him to remember my face. I was oneof the last of many contenders for the lead andwhat would become my first fiche film ThisBoys Life. And before this critical condition Iwatched as many as films that I could. And Iasked myself over and over and over again whatis the one quality that he would see in me thathe would respect and that came to me. Menace. I knew that I needed to work in that audition andbe a menacing force to be reckoned with.

Well make an appointment to see DeNiros character actually ran me a muster jarinto my eye and asking me repeatedly “Is itempty? Is it empty?” I knew this ismy moment.

I got from the couch, walkedacross the room, looked theirdeadly eye, pointing in his faceand shouted at the top of my lungs“No!” Silence! I knew I chickenedthis room up. This De Niro guywas dumb. Then he dumb on me,then he wasnt stone facebecause of my inspiringperformance. He was tryingto contain his laughter, andthe more he tried, the harderit became. And eventually,everyone in the room, but ofcourse me, was in completehysterics.

Then he turned to mesaid, “That was good. Thatwas good. Hm, when you areon the last line, when youjust try, just, just take it downa notch, one notch.” So I did,I took it down a notch. AndI learned a valuable lessonthat some things are goodonly to a certain degree. SoI am here tonight to pay myrespect to you, Bob, and Iwanna thank you for takinga chance on me for givingme the opportunity to workalong beside you and observethe underlined mechanismsthat make you the cosmicactor of our time.






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