
第21章 Emory University: The wise heart will possess know



Back to its origin

Emory University is a private institution in Atlanta, Georgia, which offers four-year degree and graduate degree programs. The university was founded as Emory College in 1836 in Oxford, Emory College was closed briefly during the Civil War. In the autumn of 1861, every student left to fight, and the college"s trustees closed for the duration. When Emory reopened in January 1866, the school"s library was destroyed and its small endowment was depleted.Only with the aid of a state grant could students afford to resume their education. Georgia by a small group of Methodists and was named in honor of Methodist bishop John Emory. The university"s mission statement is "to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity". Today a collective of about a dozen undergraduate and graduate colleges and schools make up the leading research university.

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System: The university has nine academic divisions (four of which serve undergraduates and graduates) : Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, Goizueta Business School, Laney Graduate School, School of Law, School of Medicine, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology. This university offers undergraduate and graduate courses on finance and linguistics, nursing, sociology, business management and administration, economics, psychology and so on. This university has 16 intercollegiate and 40 intramural sports teams, 25 Greek organizations and 220 student groups. Approximately 60 percent of all students at Emory receive some form of financial aid. First- and second-year students are required to live on campus, but a majority of students choose to remain on campus for all four years.

Emphasis: Emory maintains an uncommon balance for an institution of its standing: it generates more research funding than any other Georgia university, while maintaining its traditional emphasis on teaching. The university is enriched by the legacy and energy of Atlanta, and by collaboration among its schools, units and centers, as well as with affiliated institutions.


duration [djurein] n. 持续

deplete [dipli:t] vt. 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭

collective [klektiv] adj. 集体的;共同的;集合的

division [divin] n. 除法;部门

legacy [leɡsi] n. 遗赠,遗产

affiliate [filieit] vt. 使附属;使紧密联系








By other"s faults, wise men correct their own.


Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.


All things in their being are good for something.


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