
第10章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“硬新闻”(9)

Zhang Shuo:Well,I've just talked to the principle of the hospital.He told me that to deal with the heavy snowfall situation,the hospital has started the emergency coping system which includes increasing the number of doctors and nurses on duty,turning on all the air conditioning system of the hospital to raise the room temperature and also provide every patient with a cup of hot water while they are waiting for treatment.We can believe that the hospital is well-prepared to deal with the emergency situation.

Wang Jing:We know that the temperature outside is nearly 20 degree centigrade.Is it cold in the hospital?

Zhang Shuo:No.It's very warm inside as the hospital has turned on all of its air condition.The temperature here is above 25 degree centigrade.Some patients are taking off their coats.One patient just told me that the most important thing is the temperature in people's heart and he is feeling very warm and comfortable thanks to the warming service and attitude of the hospital.That's all from the hospital.Back to you Wang Jing.

Wang Jing:Thank you for your report.

Chen Pan:And now our correspondent Zhao Ting is on live.He is in the Youth Street of Shenyang.

Zhao Ting:Hi Chen Pan!Yes,we can see how heavy the snow is on the screen,It covers the street just like Christmas.

Chen Pan:Are there still many people walking on the street?

Zhao Ting:Yes there are,but compared to couple of days before,there are just few of both pedestrians and cars.They are moving really slow now,making this busiest and biggest street in Shenyang a little bit gloomy.And this is a picture took last year exactly the date today;we could already see the flowers,but now,except snow,nothing!

Chen Pan:Then could you give us some specific details about how the heavy Snowfall affects the neighborhood?

Zhao Ting:Yes,just now I have interviewed a resident lived nearby,and he told me that he'd never seen such big snowfall since he was born.He also said that people were storing food at home because the supermarkets in the neighborhood had been shut down;and the kids had already stayed at home for couple of days because the dangerous situation on their way to school.

Chen Pan:So does the government take measures to tackle the problems?

Zhao Ting:Yes,the resident I just interviewed also said that since the heat has been cut off,their life became a little bit tough,so the government has sent the community workers and doctors to people houses to check their health condition.And back to the street,we could see the sweepers sent by municipal administration bustling around to clean up the snow,what is more,we could see there are 3 police officers directing the traffic compared to just 1 who should be allocated in this region.So Tony this is my report from Youth Street and could you give us some more information about the weather and why it is so abnormal this year?

Chen Pan:Sure,Wang Jing?

Wang Jing:Now we have our correspondent Liu Yutong in the meteorological consulting room and let's see the details.

Liu Yutong:I'm Liu Yutong.Here is the meteorological consulting room in Shenyang.

Wang Jing:Can you offer any specific deions about their working environment?

Liu Yutong:As the snow grows heavier,our meteorological experts become extremely anxious and worried.Now you can see that 43 staff of this room are engaging themselves in watching the monitors and dealing with the successive scientific reports.On the corner of the room piles plenty of instant noodles and mineral water bottles which means that most of them have not gotten out of the room for couples of days.

Wang Jing:Have they got any results or solutions of this emergency?

Liu Yutong:Just now I have interviewed the chief representative of this group,Mr.Wang Weiyi,he says that every one of them are high in spirit and are eager to fight against the disaster,but there is no evident sign to show that the snow will stop in a few days.We will follow up.Back to you,Wang Jing..

Wang Jing:Thank you for your report.

Chen Pan:Now let's contact our correspondent Wu Meixi.She has interviewed with an agricultural experts.Let's find out the details.

Wu Meixi:Hi,Chen Pan!Now I'm standing in the office of agricultural expert,Dr.Wang is sitting beside me to talk about the abnormal weather in Shenyang this month.The expert told me that it is absolutely unusual according to the past few years.This heavy snow indeed has some negative impacts on Shenyang's agriculture.

Chen Pan:What about the farmers?Do they suffer a big loss because of the heavy snow fall?

Wu Meixi:About 67%farmers complain about they cannot live on their own grown crops,and the majority of them have a poor harvest this quarter.Actually,this heavy snow freezes and destroys the crop,it blocks the traffic as well.It is inconvenient for people's daily activities,let alone for agriculture purposes.

Chen Pan:But here I have got a question.We have an old Chinese saying“A heavy snowfall may indicates a good harvest next year.”

Wu Meixi:The expert says that we Chinese people used to equate heavy snow with good harvest.But today's snow seems not to be that lucky.It is quite different from snow in winter.In addition,SY's government is bound to import fruits and crops from other provinces in China,since it is impossible to meet people's daily needs.This is Wu Meixi's reporting.Thank you,Chen Pan!

Chen Pan:Thank you for your report.And now Round 1 is over.Let's welcome our committee members to deliver their scores.

Wang Jing:Now,we have the scores,and the top three are Zhao Ting,Liu Yutong and Wu Meixi.Congratulations to the 3 contestants,and Zhang shuo you also have given us the excellent performance.You still have the chance to show your capability at the third Round.Let's wish him good luck.

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