一个作女通过死作三个男人,搞得天下大乱,风云变色,最后作死一大票人,也搭上了自己。养媳妇儿,就像养羊,养肥了才能宰。圈养在家的殷舞自愿挑起家族重任,深入虎穴刺探敌情,她以为一切都在掌握之中,没想到自己已成了他人的猎物,一不小心卷入一场又一场的阴谋诡计,平静的酒城暗潮汹涌,有人猎情、有人猎权,看懵懂小绵羊如何咬人一口。一场食色宴,许多人的命运就此改写。在不懂情为何物,男为何品时,她先后与三个人结下不解之缘,其中两个若即若离,还有还有一个时男时女。谁是孽缘,谁是真爱,纠缠于三段恋爱纠葛,被命运推到了峰口浪尖。Spencer's Mountain
High up on a mountain, young Clay-Boy Spencer joins his father and eight uncles to hunt the mythical white deer. What he finds on the mountainside changes his life—and marks him for a special destiny. Years later, Clay-Boy is the first in his family to get the chance to go to college; but success as an adult is much more complicated and bittersweet than the legendary success of Clay-Boy's childhood quest.A heartwarming novel of love, family, and hope, Spencer's Mountain inspired the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. More than fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to inspire and move readers all over the world.闪婚娇妻:总裁大人请离婚