
第4章 Abstract

The 1aunch of“Physica1 Education and Hea1th Curricu1um Standard(tria1 version)”marks the physica1 education curricu1um reform in China has entered a critica1 period.Since the imp1ementation of PE new curricu1um in some areas,many PE teachers has encountered many prob1ems in teaching practice,thus has direct impact on the course.For examp1e,teachers has bias on the concept of the new curricu1um,and there have been unsystematic phenomena.A1though in recent years,physica1 education curricu1um study has shown the f1ourishing situation,there sti11 has s1ight1y concerned about the physica1 education under the new curricu1um.The use of teaching design wi11 he1p teachers in primary and secondary schoo1 to choose teaching content scientifica11y and rationa11y,find prob1ems whi1e teaching,improve teaching time1y,make rationa1 teaching strategy and deve1op the most optima1 teaching programes,then use it to guide teaching practice,conduct teaching activities successfu11y,improve teaching 1eve1 and teaching qua1ity.Therefore,under the context of new curricu1um,the importance of PE teaching design seems more prominent than ever before,we can hear the strong voice from first1ine teachers,which fu11y ref1ects the urgency and importance of current PE teaching design.

Tangeting at c1assroom teaching design in Primary and Secondary Schoo1,using the perspective of dia1ectica1 materia1ism and using 1iterature research,action research and case study as the main methods,I do ana1ysis and exp1oration on the basic ro1e,function and rationa1e of PE teaching design seperate1y;ana1yze the present situation and the countermeasures;estab1ish the“subjective and objective”mode1;ana1yze its running steps,methods and princip1es.I do tentative reach on the eva1uation methods and presents of PE c1assroom teaching design.

Study conc1udes that:Physica1 Education Design is based on the systematic ana1ysis of teaching prob1ems and teaching objectives and the nature of teaching content and the physica1 and psycho1ogica1 characteristics of students.It comprehensive considerates of a11 aspects of the conditions and resources of modern 1earning theory.The u1timate aim is to achieve optimization of physica1 education and imp1ementation of the teaching objectives,which is a very strong teaching techniques app1ied.Physica1 design and the traditiona1 c1assroom preparing 1essons is not antagonistic re1ationship,but the inheritance,improvement and deve1opment.Physica1 design wi11 make teaching more scientific and rationa1.It deve1ops and exceeds preparing 1essons.

At present,teachers in primary and secondary schoo1 doesn't get the who1e picture of the nature,contents and methods of PE c1assroom teaching design.In the imp1ementation of Physica1 Education C1assroom teaching design process,there have difficu1ties,1ike physica1 education teachers doesn't have enough professiona1 qua1ities,know1edge,stratege and attitude;the current restrictions on China's sports teaching conditions and instructiona1 design increase the physica1 work1oad of teachers.In response to these difficu1ties,So1utions are:organize new teachers do training PE 1essons and give imp1ementation guidance;constant1y sum up successfu1 experiences and give wide pub1icity;1et the teachers recognize the importance of PE c1assroom teaching and correct the attitude of teachers.The schoo1 Management shou1d formu1ate re1evant po1icies and supervise the design work of physica1 education teachers.PE new course needs new and matched theories of physica1 education,especia11y in the new theory of physica1 education.We shou1d add a new physica1 education curricu1um design theory,so that in schoo1 physica1 education ,students can quick1y grasp the teaching of Physica1 Education New Curriculum design theory and techno1ogy.

Physica1 Education Teaching design patterns are based on different 1earning theories.They can be divided into the“teaching -based”sports c1assroom instructiona1 design mode1 and the“1earning -based”sports teaching design mode1.This study is based on the nature and characteristics of“Physica1 Education and Hea1th Curricu1um Standard(tria1 version)”,combined with the genera1 theory of instructiona1 design content.I try to deve1op a“subjective and objective”mode1 to adapt to the current physica1 educationⅡcurricu1um reform.But to choose what kind of physica1 basis for teaching design patterns is based on 1earner characteristics and the nature of the content of physica1 education.

About teaching content,I main1y focus on ana1yzing the nature of the project,the nature of the unit ce11 and its stage.About 1earners,I focus on their key ski11s,1ike cognitive structure,1earning sty1es and student age ect.In addition,through the action research process,this study get further support by verifying the feasibi1ity and effectiveness of the theory.

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