人妖殊途,OH,NO!某女为人,某男为妖,却被月老不小心牵错线……不小心掉到地球上妖力尽失的狐妖,被某糊涂女当作狗狗捡回去圈养……圈养过程爆笑温馨!宠而不腻……可能会有人兽戏份,亲们知道的,因为某只小妖不肯一直变成人形……囧!【宠溺篇】“如果有那么一天……你绝对是栽在鸡肉上面的!”凤瑶以迅雷不及掩耳之势突然抓住了童千丸,“蛋蛋,我说过,你是斗不过我滴,哇哈哈哈!”“呜呜呜……”童千丸在凤瑶的手中用力挣扎起来,却硬是挣不脱,喉咙里发出悲哀的低鸣,他怎么就相信了这个女人呢,他怎么就相信她了呢,他怎么就这么嘴馋呢!凤瑶牢牢地抱着他,捧到眼前一顿乱亲,嗯嘛嗯嘛嗯嘛!【超萌篇】童千丸(可爱):人家真的很想吃饭饭啊。凤瑶:……童千丸,你别学小孩说话行不,几百岁了,再嗲也不可爱啊!童千丸(对手指):可是……可是,不是你叫我学人怎么说话的嘛!凤瑶(翻白眼):我叫你学大人,学大人懂不懂!对手指,吃饭饭,你以为你还小啊!童千丸(委曲):你好凶……凤瑶(泄气):我……只是有点抓狂而已。【吃醋篇】童千丸拦住凤瑶:“不可以买这个。”“为什么?”“因为你的眼里只有我,你打扮也只能打扮我。”凤瑶眼睛直抽:“这只是装饰圣诞树的彩条而已。”“难道你不是想要抱着它睡觉吗?你欲求不满的时候都是抱着我的!你抱着它,这怎么可以!又冷又硬,一点也不舒服!”特别推荐此文的情侣文,小怪亲的《捡来的极品总裁》笔笔是被小怪亲拖出去XXOO了几番,才硬着头皮写了这篇情侣文,此文为都市小说带点玄幻,希望亲们喜欢!多多收藏哦!推荐好友文:厚脸皮笔笔的《夫君欺上身》漫觞的《市长小妻未成年》亦弈变的《重生之极品间谍》浅草喵的《妖孽不够了》Dropping Ashes on the Buddha
Somebody comes into the Zen center with a lighted cigarette, walks up to the Buddha statue, blows smoke in its face, and drops ashes on its lap. You are standing there. What can you do? This is a problem that Zen Master Seung Sahn is fond of posing to his American students who attend his Zen centers. Dropping Ashes on the Buddha is a delightful, irreverent, and often hilariously funny living record of the dialogue between Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn and his American students. Consisting of dialogues, stories, formal Zen interviews, Dharma speeches, and letters using the Zen Master's actual words in spontaneous, living interaction with his students, this book is a fresh presentation of the Zen teaching method of instant dialogue between Master and student which, through the use of astonishment and paradox, leads to an understanding of ultimate reality.莫让时光付东流(指导学生身心健康发展故事集)