中国的智谋学是一个既深邃又广袤的天地。《谋略家成长故事》自历史黄籍之中精选了一百二十篇权谋故事,我们以现代的观点,将西人的智慧重新诠释、赋予新意,并采颉古今中外名人的金句名言加以呼应,从这些故事中,我们可以看古人如何振兴国家、统军作战?如何克敌制胜、赢得生存?THE ABC BUNNY
An unfortunate accident with an Apple drives Bunny from Bunny land to m.wkkk.net letter in the alphabet is represented in Bunny's journey,through what he eats(Greens),to whom he meets,and then a little sleep(Nap),to Tripping back to town,right side Up and Up-sidedown.
Black Book
"The Black Book"is Orhan Pamuk's tour de force, a stunning tapestry of Middle Eastern and Islamic culture which confirmed his reputation as a writer of international stature. Richly atmospheric and Rabelaisian in scope, it is a labyrinthine novel suffused with the sights, sounds and scents of Istanbul, an unforgettable evocation of the city where East meets West, and a boldly unconventional mystery that plumbs the elusive nature of identity, fiction, interpretation and reality.