

In twelve months' time after, this woman, we hear, Had another daughter of beauty most clear;And when that he knew it was but a female, Into a bitter passion he presently fell, Saying, 'Since this is of the same sort as the first, In my habitation she shall not be nursed;Pray let her be sent into the countrie, For where I am, truly, this child shall not be.'

With tears his dear wife unto him did say, 'Husband, be contented, I'll send her away.'

Then to the countrie with speed her did send, For to be brought up by one was her friend.

Although that her father he hated her so, He a good education on her did bestow;And with a gold locket, and robes of the best, This slighted young damsel was commonly dressed.

And when unto stature this damsel was grown, And found from her father she had no love shown, She cried, 'Before I will lay under his frown, I'm resolved to travel the country around.'


But now mark, good people, the cream of the jest, In what sort of manner this creature was dressed;With cat-skins she made her a robe, I declare, The which for her covering she daily did wear.

Her own rich attire, and jewels beside, Then up in a bundle by her they were tied, And to seek her fortune she wandered away;And when she had travelled a cold winter's day, In the evening-tide she came to a town, Where at a knight's door she sat herself down, For to rest herself, who was tired sore; -This noble knight's lady then came to the door.

This fair creature seeing in such sort of dress, The lady unto her these words did express:

'Whence camest thou, girl, and what wouldst thou have?'

She said, 'A night's rest in your stable I crave.'

The lady said to her, 'I'll grant thy desire, Come into the kitchen, and stand by the fire.'

Then she thanked the lady, and went in with haste;And there she was gazed on from highest to least.

And, being well warmed, her hunger was great, They gave her a plate of good food for to eat, And then to an outhouse this creature was led, Where with fresh straw she soon made her a bed.

And when in the morning the daylight she saw, Her riches and jewels she hid in the straw;And, being very cold, she then did retire Into the kitchen, and stood by the fire.

The cook said, 'My lady hath promised that thee Shall be as a scullion to wait upon me;What say'st thou girl, art thou willing to bide?'

'With all my heart truly,' to him she replied.

To work at her needle she could very well, And for raising of paste few could her excel;She being so handy, the cook's heart did win, And then she was called by the name of Catskin.


The lady a son had both comely and tall, Who oftentimes used to be at a ball A mile out of town; and one evening-tide, To dance at this ball away he did ride.

Catskin said to his mother, 'Pray, madam, let me Go after your son now, this ball for to see.'

With that in a passion this lady she grew, And struck her with the ladle, and broke it in two.

On being thus served she quick got away, And in her rich garments herself did array;And then to this ball she with speed did retire, Where she danced so bravely that all did admire.

The sport being done, the young squire did say, 'Young lady, where do you live? tell me, I pray.'

Her answer was to him, 'Sir, that I will tell, -At the sign of the broken ladle I dwell.'

She being very nimble, got home first, 'tis said, And in her catskin robes she soon was arrayed;And into the kitchen again she did go, But where she had been they did none of them know.

Next night this young squire, to give him content, To dance at this ball again forth he went.

She said, 'Pray let me go this ball for to view.'

Then she struck with the skimmer, and broke it in two.

Then out of the doors she ran full of heaviness, And in her rich garments herself soon did dress;And to this ball ran away with all speed, Where to see her dancing all wondered indeed.

The ball being ended, the young squire said, 'Where is it you live?' She again answered, 'Sir, because you ask me, account I will give, At the sign of the broken skimmer I live.'

Being dark when she left him, she homeward did hie, And in her catskin robes she was dressed presently, And into the kitchen amongst them she went, But where she had been they were all innocent.

When the squire dame home, and found Catskin there, He was in amaze and began for to swear;'For two nights at the ball has been a lady, The sweetest of beauties that ever I did see.

'She was the best dancer in all the whole place, And very much like our Catskin in the face;Had she not been dressed in that costly degree, I should have swore it was Catskin's body.

Next night to the ball he did go once more, And she asked his mother to go as before, Who, having a basin of water in hand, She threw it at Catskin, as I understand.

Shaking her wet ears, out of doors she did run, And dressed herself when this thing she had done.

To the ball once more she then went her ways;To see her fine dancing they all gave her praise.

And having concluded, the young squire said he, 'From whence might you come, pray, lady, tell me?'

Her answer was, 'Sir, you shall soon know the same, From the sign of the basin of water I came.'

Then homeward she hurried, as fast as could be;This young squire then was resolved to see Whereto she belonged, and, following Catskin, Into an old straw house he saw her creep in.

He said, 'O brave Catskin, I find it is thee, Who these three nights together has so charmed me;Thou'rt the sweetest of creatures my eyes e'er beheld, With joy and content my heart now is filled.

'Thou art our cook's scullion, but as I have life, Grant me but thy love, and I'll make thee my wife, And thou shalt have maids for to be at thy call.'

'Sir, that cannot be, I've no portion at all.'

'Thy beauty's a portion, my joy and my dear, I prize it far better than thousands a year, And to have my friends' consent I have got a trick, I'll go to my bed, and feign myself sick.

'There no one shall tend me but thee I profess;So one day or another in thy richest dress, Thou shalt be clad, and if my parents come nigh, I'll tell them 'tis for thee that sick I do lie.'


Thus having consulted, this couple parted.

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