

The toad is, of all things, the most abhorr'd.

To paradise leads the highest road up:

And in hell the hottest of drink they sup."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Now hast thou given me answers fair, To each and all of my questions rare;

And now, I pray thee, be my guide, To the nearest spot where warriors bide."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"To Sonderborg I'll show thee straight, Where drink the heroes early and late:

There thou wilt find of knights a crew, Haughty of heart, and hard to subdue."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

With a bright gold ring was his arm array'd, Full fifteen pounds that gold ring weigh'd, That has he given the herd, for a meed, Because he will show him the knights with speed.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

Svend Vonved enter'd the castle yard;

There Randulph, wrapt in his skins, kept guard:

"Ho! Caitiff, ho! with shield and brand, What art thou doing in this my land?"

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"I will, I will, with my single hand, Take from thee, Knave, the whole of thy land:

I will, I will, with my single toe, Lay thee and each of thy castles low."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Thou shalt not, with thy single hand, Take from me, Hound, an inch of my land;

And far, far less, shalt thou, with thy toe, Lay me or one of my castles low.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Thou shalt not e'er, with finger of thine, Strike asunder one limb of mine;

I am for thee too woxen and stark, As thou, to thy cost, shalt quickly mark."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

Svend Vonved unsheath'd his faulchion bright, With haughty Randulph he fain will fight;

Randulph he there has slain in his might, And Strandulph too, with full good right.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

The rest against him came out pell-mell, Then slew he Carl Ege, the fierce and fell:-

He slew the great, he slew the small;

He slew till his foes were slaughter'd all.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

Svend Vonved binds his sword to his side, It lists him farther to ride, to ride;

He found upon the desolate wold A burly knight, of aspect bold.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Now tell me, Rider, noble and good, Where does the fish stand up in the flood?

Where do they mingle the best, best wine?

And where with his knights does Vidrik dine?"

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"The fish in the East stands up in the flood.

They drink in the North the wine so good.

In Halland's hall does Vidrik dine, With his swains around, and his warriors fine."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

From his breast Svend Vonved a gold ring drew;

At the foot of the knight the gold ring he threw:

"Go! say thou wert the very last man Who gold from the hand of Svend Vonved wan."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

Svend Vonved came where the castle rose;

He bade the watchmen the gate unclose:

As none of the watchmen obey'd his cry, He sprang at once over the ramparts high.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

He tied his steed to a ring in the wall, Then in he went to the wide stone hall;

Down he sat at the head of the board, To no one present he utter'd a word.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

He drank and he ate, he ate and he drank, He ask'd no leave, and return'd no thank;

"Ne'er have I been on Christian ground Where so many curst tongues were clanging round."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

King Vidrik spoke to good knights three:

"Go, bind that lowering swain for me;

Should ye not bind the stranger guest, Ye will not serve me as ye can best."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Should'st thou send three, and twenty times three, And come thyself to lay hold of me;

The son of a dog thou wilt still remain, And yet to bind me have tried in vain.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Esmer, my father, who lies on his bier, And proud Adeline, my mother so dear, Oft and strictly have caution'd me To waste no breath upon hounds like thee."

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"And was King Esmer thy father's name, And Adeline that of his virtuous Dame?

Thou art Svend Vonved, the stripling wild, My own dear sister's only child.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Svend Vonved, wilt thou bide with me here?

Honour awaits thee, and costly cheer;

Whenever it lists thee abroad to wend, Upon thee shall knights and swains attend.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

"Silver and gold thou never shalt lack, Or helm to thy head, or mail to thy back;"

But to this and the like he would lend no ear, And home to his mother he now will steer.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

Svend Vonved gallop'd along the way;

To fancies dark was his mind a prey:

Riding he enter'd the castle yard Where stood twelve witches wrinkled and scarr'd:

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

There stood they all, with spindle and rok, -

Each over the shinbone gave him a knock:

Svend turn'd his steed, in fury, round;

The witches he there has hew'd to the ground.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

He hew'd the witches limb from limb, So little mercy they got from him;

His mother came out, and was serv'd the same, Into fifteen pieces he hackt her frame.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

Then in he went to his lonely bower, There drank he the wine, the wine of power:

His much-lov'd harp he play'd upon Till the strings were broken, every one.

Look out, look out, Svend Vonved.

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