

Rodney was considerably surprised one evening to receive a call from Jasper in his room. He was alone, as Mike had been detailed about a week ago for night duty. The room looked more attractive than formerly. Rodney had bought a writing desk, which stood in the corner, and had put up three pictures, which, though cheap, were attractive.

"Good evening, Jasper," he said. "It is quite friendly of you to call.""I hadn't anything else on hand this evening, and thought Iwould come round see how you were getting along.""Take a seat and make yourself at home.""Do you object to cigarettes?" asked Jasper, producing one from a case in his pocket.

"I object to smoking them myself, but I don't want to dictate to my friends.""You look quite comfortable here," continued Jasper in a patronizing tone.

"We try to be comfortable, though our room is not luxurious.""Who do you mean by `we'? Have you a room mate?""Yes. Mike Flynn rooms with me.""Who is he--a newsboy?"

"No. He is a telegraph boy."

"You don't seem to very particular," said Jasper, shrugging his shoulders.

"I am very particular."

"Yet you room with an Irish telegraph boy."

"He is a nice boy of good habit, and a devoted friend.

What could I want more?"

"Oh, well, you have a right to consult your own taste.""You have a nice home, no doubt.""I live with my uncle. Yes, he has a good house, but I am not so independent as if I had a room outide.""How are things going on at the store?""About the same as usual. Why don't you come in some day?""For two reasons; I am occupied during the day, and I don't want to go where I am considered a thief.""I wish I was getting your income. It is hard to get along on seven dollars a week.""Still you have a nice home, and I suppose you have most of your salary to yourself.""Yes, but there isn't much margin in seven dollars. My uncle expects me to buy my own clothes. You were lucky to get out of the store. Old Goodnow ought to give me ten dollars.""Don't let him hear you speak of him as OLD Goodnow, Jasper.""Oh, I'm smart enough for that. I mean to keep on the right side of the old chap. What sort of a man are you working for?""Mr. Sargent is a fine man.""He isn't mean certainly. I should like to be in your shoes.""If I hear of any similar position shall I mention your name?"asked Rodney, smiling.

"No; I could not take care of a kid. I hate them.""Still Arthur is a nice boy.""You are welcome to him. What do you have to teach?""He is studying Latin and French, besides English branches.""I know about as much of Latin and French as a cow. I couldn't be a teacher. I say, Rodney," and Jasper cleared his throat, "I want you to do me a favor.""What is it?""I want you to lend me ten dollars."

Rodney was not mean, but he knew very well that a loan to Jasper would be a permanent one. Had Jasper been his friend even this consideration would not have inspired a refusal, but he knew very well that Jasper had not a particle of regard for him.

"I don't think I can oblige you, Jasper," he said.

"Why not? You get fifteen dollars a week."

"My expenses are considerable. Besides I am helping Mike, whose salary is very small. I pay the whole of the rent and I have paid for some clothes for him.""You are spending your money very foolishly," said Jasper frowning.

"Would I spend it any less foolishly if I should lend you ten dollars?""There is some difference between Mike Flynn and me. I am a gentleman.""So is Mike.""A queer sort of gentleman! He is only a poor telegraph boy.""Still he is a gentleman.""I should think you might have money enough for both of us.""I might but I want to save something from my salary. I don't know how long I shall be earning as much. I might lose my place.""So you might.""And I could hardly expect to get another where the pay would be as good.""I would pay you on installment--a dollar a week," urged Jasper.

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