

"I don't see how you could, as you say your pay is too small for you now.""Oh, well, I could manage.""I am afraid I can't oblige you, Jasper," said Rodney in a decided tone.

"I didn't think you were so miserly," answered Jasper in vexation.

"You may call it so, if you like. You must remember that I am not situated like you. You have your uncle to fall back upon in case you lose your position, but I have no one. I have to hustle for myself.""Oh, you needn't make any more excuses. I suppose ten dollars is rather a large sum to lend. Can you lend me five?""I am sorry, but I must refuse you."Jasper rose from the chair on which he had been sitting.

"Then I may as well go," he said. "I am disappointed in you, Ropes.

I thought you were a good, whole souled fellow, and not a miser.""You must think of me as you please, Jasper. I feel that I have a right to regulate my own affairs.""All I have to say is this, if you lose your place as you may very soon, don't come round to the store and expect to be taken back.""I won't" answered Rodney, smiling. "I wouldn't go back at any rate unless the charge of theft was withdrawn.""That will never be!""Let it be so, as long as I am innocent."

Jasper left the room abruptly, not even having the politeness to bid Rodney good evening.

Rodney felt that he was quite justified in refusing to lend Jasper money. Had he been in need he would have obliged him, though he had no reason to look upon him as a friend.

No one who knew Rodney could regard him as mean or miserly.

Could he have read Jasper's thoughts as he left the house he would have felt even less regret at disappointing him.

About two days afterward when Rodney went up to meet his pupil, Mr. Sargent handed him a letter.

"Here is something that concerns you, Rodney," he said.

"It doesn't appear to be from a friend of yours."With some curiosity Rodney took the letter and read it.

It ran thus:


DEAR SIR--I think it my duty to write and tell you something about your son's tutor--something that will surprise and shock you.

Before he entered your house he was employed by a firm on Reade Street. He was quite a favorite with his employer, Mr.

Otis Goodnow, who promoted him in a short time. All at once it was found that articles were missing from the stock. Of course it was evident that some one of the clerks was dishonest.

A watch was set, and finally it was found that Rodney Ropes had taken the articles, and one--a lady's cloak--was found in his room by a detective. He was discharged at once without a recommendation.

For a time he lived by selling papers, but at last he managed to get into your house. I am sure you won't regard him as fit to educate your little son, though I have no doubt he is a good scholar. But his character is bad--I don't think he ought to have concealed this from you out of friendship for you, and because I think it is my duty, I take the liberty of writing.

If you doubt this I will refer to Mr. Goodnow, or Mr. James Redwood, who had charge of the room in which Ropes was employed.

Yours very respectually, A FRIEND.

"You knew all this before, Mr. Sargent" said Rodney, as he handed back the letter.

"Yes. Have you any idea who wrote it?"

"I feel quite sure that it was a boy about two years older than myself, Jasper Redwood.""Is he related to the man of the same name whom he mentions?""Yes, he is his nephew.""Has he any particular reason for disliking you, Rodney?""Yes, sir. He came round to my room Wednesday evening, and asked me to lend him ten dollars.""I presume you refused.""Yes, sir. He is not in need. He succeeded to my place, and he has a home at the house of his uncle.""He appears to be a very mean boy. Anonymous letters are always cowardly, and generally malicious. This seems to be no exception to the general rule.""I hope it won't affect your feelings towards me, Mr. Sargent.""Don't trouble yourself about that Rodney. I am not so easily prejudiced against one of whom I have a good opinion.""I suppose this is Jasper's revenge," thought Rodney.

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