

'You are slow in conversation, widow,' he said after a time, pausing in his draught. 'We shall have to talk before your son.'

'What would you have me do?' she answered. 'What do you want?'

'We are poor, widow, we are poor,' he retorted, stretching out his right hand, and rubbing his thumb upon its palm.

'Poor!' she cried. 'And what am I?'

'Comparisons are odious,' said the blind man. 'I don't know, I

don't care. I say that we are poor. My friend's circumstances are indifferent, and so are mine. We must have our rights, widow, or we must be bought off. But you know that, as well as I, so where is the use of talking?'

She still walked wildly to and fro. At length, stopping abruptly before him, she said:

'Is he near here?'

'He is. Close at hand.'

'Then I am lost!'

'Not lost, widow,' said the blind man, calmly; 'only found. Shall I call him?'

'Not for the world,' she answered, with a shudder.

'Very good,' he replied, crossing his legs again, for he had made as though he would rise and walk to the door. 'As you please, widow. His presence is not necessary that I know of. But both he and I must live; to live, we must eat and drink; to eat and drink, we must have money:--I say no more.'

'Do you know how pinched and destitute I am?' she retorted. 'I do not think you do, or can. If you had eyes, and could look around you on this poor place, you would have pity on me. Oh! let your heart be softened by your own affliction, friend, and have some sympathy with mine.'

The blind man snapped his fingers as he answered:

'--Beside the question, ma'am, beside the question. I have the softest heart in the world, but I can't live upon it. Many a gentleman lives well upon a soft head, who would find a heart of the same quality a very great drawback. Listen to me. This is a matter of business, with which sympathies and sentiments have nothing to do. As a mutual friend, I wish to arrange it in a satisfactory manner, if possible; and thus the case stands.--If you are very poor now, it's your own choice. You have friends who, in case of need, are always ready to help you. My friend is in a more destitute and desolate situation than most men, and, you and he being linked together in a common cause, he naturally looks to you to assist him. He has boarded and lodged with me a long time (for as I said just now, I am very soft-hearted), and I quite approve of his entertaining this opinion. You have always had a roof over your head; he has always been an outcast. You have your son to comfort and assist you; he has nobody at all. The advantages must not be all one side. You are in the same boat, and we must divide the ballast a little more equally.'

She was about to speak, but he checked her, and went on.

'The only way of doing this, is by making up a little purse now and then for my friend; and that's what I advise. He bears you no malice that I know of, ma'am: so little, that although you have treated him harshly more than once, and driven him, I may say, out of doors, he has that regard for you that I believe even if you disappointed him now, he would consent to take charge of your son, and to make a man of him.'

He laid a great stress on these latter words, and paused as if to find out what effect they had produced. She only answered by her tears.

'He is a likely lad,' said the blind man, thoughtfully, 'for many purposes, and not ill-disposed to try his fortune in a little change and bustle, if I may judge from what I heard of his talk with you to-night.--Come. In a word, my friend has pressing necessity for twenty pounds. You, who can give up an annuity, can get that sum for him. It's a pity you should be troubled. You seem very comfortable here, and it's worth that much to remain so.

Twenty pounds, widow, is a moderate demand. You know where to apply for it; a post will bring it you.--Twenty pounds!'

She was about to answer him again, but again he stopped her.

'Don't say anything hastily; you might be sorry for it. Think of it a little while. Twenty pounds--of other people's money--how easy! Turn it over in your mind. I'm in no hurry. Night's coming on, and if I don't sleep here, I shall not go far. Twenty pounds!

Consider of it, ma'am, for twenty minutes; give each pound a minute; that's a fair allowance. I'll enjoy the air the while, which is very mild and pleasant in these parts.'

With these words he groped his way to the door, carrying his chair with him. Then seating himself, under a spreading honeysuckle, and stretching his legs across the threshold so that no person could pass in or out without his knowledge, he took from his pocket a pipe, flint, steel and tinder-box, and began to smoke. It was a lovely evening, of that gentle kind, and at that time of year, when the twilight is most beautiful. Pausing now and then to let his smoke curl slowly off, and to sniff the grateful fragrance of the flowers, he sat there at his ease--as though the cottage were his proper dwelling, and he had held undisputed possession of it all his life--waiting for the widow's answer and for Barnaby's return.

  • 四溟诗话


  • 丛林盛事


  • 续清凉传


  • The Three Partners

    The Three Partners

  • 犍稚梵赞


  • Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses

    Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses

  • 圣墟


  • 四分律比丘含注戒本


  • 人类的环保之路(青少年身边的环保丛书)


    “青少年身边的环保丛书”是一套自然科学类读物。环境问题的实质是社会、经济、环境之间的协调发展问题以及资源的合理开发利用问题。本丛书包括了人类生活、自然和生态等各种关系的方方面面,从而让青少年了解环境保护对我们的重要性,以环境保护为己任。在这里,既有令人感动的环保故事,又有深刻实用的环保知识,它会使我们每一个人都能成为一名守护地球家园的忠诚卫士。谢芾主编的《人类的环保之路》为丛书之一。 《人类的环保之路》内容涉及人类与环境保护的各个侧面,文字浅显易懂,生动活泼。
  • 九零奋斗小悍妻


  • 凰权:腹黑王爷替嫁妃


  • 爱在渐暖的午后


  • 工厂村


    飞龙化工厂坐落在村口,倚山而建,它的背后就是白龙山。高高的院墙用红砖砌成,有一人多高,现在的高度是经过加固后形成的。上面插满了碎玻璃和铁尖刺。以前的围墙只有三面,背后的山坡陡峭,后来借助山势也建了围墙。弯弯曲曲的围墙,看上去就像是一座戒备森严的监狱,或是一处军事禁地。至于山坡上那一部分,从灌木中怎么看都像是一处神秘据点。而它正对着村口的大门,则修得十分气派,比镇里的电信大楼还要雄伟。门楼上竖着绸布彩旗,迎风招展。化工厂内真像监狱一样安静。机器的轰鸣声从围墙外听着并不喧嚣,略显沉闷和喑哑。 工人们都住在镇上,镇上建有宿舍小区。每天都有几辆大巴接送工人上下班。
  • 穿越女遭遇滥桃花:红颜醉江山


  • 七一

