

Mr Chester, with the volume gently extended in one hand, and with the other planted lightly on his breast, talked to them in the most delicious manner possible; and quite enchanted all his hearers, notwithstanding their conflicting interests and thoughts. Even Dolly, who, between his keen regards and her eyeing over by Mr Tappertit, was put quite out of countenance, could not help owning within herself that he was the sweetest-spoken gentleman she had ever seen. Even Miss Miggs, who was divided between admiration of Mr Chester and a mortal jealousy of her young mistress, had sufficient leisure to be propitiated. Even Mr Tappertit, though occupied as we have seen in gazing at his heart's delight, could not wholly divert his thoughts from the voice of the other charmer.

Mrs Varden, to her own private thinking, had never been so improved in all her life; and when Mr Chester, rising and craving permission to speak with her apart, took her by the hand and led her at arm's length upstairs to the best sitting-room, she almost deemed him something more than human.

'Dear madam,' he said, pressing her hand delicately to his lips;

'be seated.'

Mrs Varden called up quite a courtly air, and became seated.

'You guess my object?' said Mr Chester, drawing a chair towards her. 'You divine my purpose? I am an affectionate parent, my dear Mrs Varden.'

'That I am sure you are, sir,' said Mrs V.

'Thank you,' returned Mr Chester, tapping his snuff-box lid.

'Heavy moral responsibilities rest with parents, Mrs Varden.'

Mrs Varden slightly raised her hands, shook her head, and looked at the ground as though she saw straight through the globe, out at the other end, and into the immensity of space beyond.

'I may confide in you,' said Mr Chester, 'without reserve. I love my son, ma'am, dearly; and loving him as I do, I would save him from working certain misery. You know of his attachment to Miss Haredale. You have abetted him in it, and very kind of you it was to do so. I am deeply obliged to you--most deeply obliged to you--

for your interest in his behalf; but my dear ma'am, it is a mistaken one, I do assure you.'

Mrs Varden stammered that she was sorry--'

'Sorry, my dear ma'am,' he interposed. 'Never be sorry for what is so very amiable, so very good in intention, so perfectly like yourself. But there are grave and weighty reasons, pressing family considerations, and apart even from these, points of religious difference, which interpose themselves, and render their union impossible; utterly im-possible. I should have mentioned these circumstances to your husband; but he has--you will excuse my saying this so freely--he has NOT your quickness of apprehension or depth of moral sense. What an extremely airy house this is, and how beautifully kept! For one like myself--a widower so long--

these tokens of female care and superintendence have inexpressible charms.'

Mrs Varden began to think (she scarcely knew why) that the young Mr Chester must be in the wrong and the old Mr Chester must he in the right.

'My son Ned,' resumed her tempter with his most winning air, 'has had, I am told, your lovely daughter's aid, and your open-hearted husband's.'

'--Much more than mine, sir,' said Mrs Varden; 'a great deal more.

I have often had my doubts. It's a--'

'A bad example,' suggested Mr Chester. 'It is. No doubt it is.

Your daughter is at that age when to set before her an encouragement for young persons to rebel against their parents on this most important point, is particularly injudicious. You are quite right. I ought to have thought of that myself, but it escaped me, I confess--so far superior are your sex to ours, dear madam, in point of penetration and sagacity.'

Mrs Varden looked as wise as if she had really said something to deserve this compliment--firmly believed she had, in short--and her faith in her own shrewdness increased considerably.

'My dear ma'am,' said Mr Chester, 'you embolden me to be plain with you. My son and I are at variance on this point. The young lady and her natural guardian differ upon it, also. And the closing point is, that my son is bound by his duty to me, by his honour, by every solemn tie and obligation, to marry some one else.'

'Engaged to marry another lady!' quoth Mrs Varden, holding up her hands.

'My dear madam, brought up, educated, and trained, expressly for that purpose. Expressly for that purpose.--Miss Haredale, I am told, is a very charming creature.'

'I am her foster-mother, and should know--the best young lady in the world,' said Mrs Varden.

'I have not the smallest doubt of it. I am sure she is. And you, who have stood in that tender relation towards her, are bound to consult her happiness. Now, can I--as I have said to Haredale, who quite agrees--can I possibly stand by, and suffer her to throw herself away (although she IS of a Catholic family), upon a young fellow who, as yet, has no heart at all? It is no imputation upon him to say he has not, because young men who have plunged deeply into the frivolities and conventionalities of society, very seldom have. Their hearts never grow, my dear ma'am, till after thirty.

I don't believe, no, I do NOT believe, that I had any heart myself when I was Ned's age.'

'Oh sir,' said Mrs Varden, 'I think you must have had. It's impossible that you, who have so much now, can ever have been without any.'

'I hope,' he answered, shrugging his shoulders meekly, 'I have a little; I hope, a very little--Heaven knows! But to return to Ned;

  • 淳熙玉堂杂记


  • 佛本行经


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    The Historyof John Bull

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  • Lilith


  • 鬼王宠妻:腹黑小魔妃


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  • 盛宠之总裁的隐婚娇妻


  • 十诫之杀人短片


  • 斯格拉柔达(做自己的王)


    从来不知道这个世界原本是什么样子。这世上的 一切信仰是否值得?自由或者神,某些快乐被谎言埋葬。童话里的妖魔,它们曾经是这山林里的精灵啊, 是那些不屈的生命啊,它们追逐风越过竹林,上天入地无所不能,永生自由的它们啊!后来,后来呢?它们被铁链与山丘埋葬,斯格拉柔达变成了这世上最大的坟墓。从很久很久前,这世界便丢失了一粒种子, 于是世人便开始信仰神,妖王变成奴才,山民变成信徒,谁再也找不到“我”。猴群里的猴子,熊群里的 熊,随风摇摆的竹予,一群一群,一片一片,它们一模一样,毫无差别。“带上我的眼睛去看看这个故事的结局。”一只妖跟罗布说,然后它死了。自此之后,平凡的我们便开始寻找梦想中那个童话的结局——我是自己的王!
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