

The Hutuktu of Narabanchi related the following to me, when Ivisited him in his monastery in the beginning of 1921:

"When the King of the World appeared before the Lamas, favored of God, in this monastery thirty years ago he made a prophecy for the coming half century. It was as follows:

"'More and more the people will forget their souls and care about their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on the earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for the blood and death of their brothers. The 'Crescent' will grow dim and its followers will descend into beggary and ceaseless war. Its conquerors will be stricken by the sun but will not progress upward and twice they will be visited with the heaviest misfortune, which will end in insult before the eye of the other peoples. The crowns of kings, great and small, will fall . . . one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . . There will be a terrible battle among all the peoples. The seas will become red . . . the earth and the bottom of the seas will be strewn with bones . . . kingdoms will be scattered . . . whole peoples will die . . . hunger, disease, crimes unknown to the law, never before seen in the world.

The enemies of God and of the Divine Spirit in man will come.

Those who take the hand of another shall also perish. The forgotten and pursued shall rise and hold the attention of the whole world. There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall suddenly be covered with forests. Earthquakes will come. . . .

Millions will change the fetters of slavery and humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another. The greatest and most beautiful cities shall perish in fire . . . one, two, three. . . .

Father shall rise against son, brother against brother and mother against daughter. . . . Vice, crime and the destruction of body and soul shall follow. . . . Families shall be scattered. . . .

Truth and love shall disappear. . . . From ten thousand men one shall remain; he shall be nude and mad and without force and the knowledge to build him a house and find his food. . . . He will howl as the raging wolf, devour dead bodies, bite his own flesh and challenge God to fight. . . . All the earth will be emptied. God will turn away from it and over it there will be only night and death. Then I shall send a people, now unknown, which shall tear out the weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will lead those who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the fight against Evil. They will found a new life on the earth purified by the death of nations. In the fiftieth year only three great kingdoms will appear, which will exist happily seventy-one years.

Afterwards there will be eighteen years of war and destruction.

Then the peoples of Agharti will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface of the earth.'"* * * * * *Afterwards, as I traveled farther through Eastern Mongolia and to Peking, I often thought:

"And what if . . . ? What if whole peoples of different colors, faiths and tribes should begin their migration toward the West?"And now, as I write these final lines, my eyes involuntarily turn to this limitless Heart of Asia over which the trails of my wanderings twine. Through whirling snow and driving clouds of sand of the Gobi they travel back to the face of the Narabanchi Hutuktu as, with quiet voice and a slender hand pointing to the horizon, he opened to me the doors of his innermost thoughts:

"Near Karakorum and on the shores of Ubsa Nor I see the huge, multi-colored camps, the herds of horses and cattle and the blue yurtas of the leaders. Above them I see the old banners of Jenghiz Khan, of the Kings of Tibet, Siam, Afghanistan and of Indian Princes; the sacred signs of all the Lamaite Pontiffs; the coats of arms of the Khans of the Olets; and the simple signs of the north Mongolian tribes. I do not hear the noise of the animated crowd.

The singers do not sing the mournful songs of mountain, plain and desert. The young riders are not delighting themselves with the races on their fleet steeds. . . . There are innumerable crowds of old men, women and children and beyond in the north and west, as far as the eye can reach, the sky is red as a flame, there is the roar and crackling of fire and the ferocious sound of battle. Who is leading these warriors who there beneath the reddened sky are shedding their own and others' blood? Who is leading these crowds of unarmed old men and women? I see severe order, deep religious understanding of purposes, patience and tenacity . . . a new great migration of peoples, the last march of the Mongols. . . ."Karma may have opened a new page of history!

And what if the King of the World be with them?

But this greatest Mystery of Mysteries keeps its own deep silence.


Agronome.--Russian for trained agriculturalist.

Amour sayn.--Good-bye.

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  • 了不起的盖茨比


    美国学术界权威榜单“20世纪全球百部英语小说No. 2!”著名翻译家、人民文学出版社著名译审苏福忠权威译本;梁文道读书栏目《一千零一夜》首夜推荐!《人民日报》推荐“值得一读再读的50本书之一”;村上春树、海明威、塞林格等文学大师的心头挚爱!莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥领衔主演同名电影斩获奥斯卡多项大奖!《了不起的盖茨比》最早出版于1925年,是一部以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,小说的背景被设定在现代化的美国社会中上层的白人圈内,通过书中人物“我”——卡拉韦的叙述展开。“我”从中西部故乡来到纽约,住所旁边正是本书主人公盖茨比的豪华宅第,这里每晚都在举行盛大的宴会,“我”受邀前来并和盖茨比相识,故事就这样开始了……这部作品被称为“美国小说从亨利·詹姆斯以来迈出的第一步”,马尔科姆·考利把它列为美国最优秀的十二部小说之一。20世纪末,美国学术界权威在百年英语文学长河中选出一百部最优秀的小说,《了不起的盖茨比》高居第二位,傲然跻身当代文学经典行列。
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