

After the rough and tumble of their first struggles in political life these men, less old than aged, have to endure the additional wear and tear of a ministry. Thus it is that their eyes begin to weaken just as they need to have the clear-sightedness of eagles; their mind is weary when its youth and fire need to be redoubled. The minister in whom Rabourdin sought to confide was in the habit of listening to men of undoubted superiority as they explained ingenious theories of government, applicable or inapplicable to the affairs of France. Such men, by whom the difficulties of national policy were never apprehended, were in the habit of attacking this minister personally whenever a parliamentary battle or a contest with the secret follies of the court took place,--on the eve of a struggle with the popular mind, or on the morrow of a diplomatic discussion which divided the Council into three separate parties. Caught in such a predicament, a statesman naturally keeps a yawn ready for the first sentence designed to show him how the public service could be better managed. At such periods not a dinner took place among bold schemers or financial and political lobbyists where the opinions of the Bourse and the Bank, the secrets of diplomacy, and the policy necessitated by the state of affairs in Europe were not canvassed and discussed. The minister has his own private councillors in des Lupeaulx and his secretary, who collected and pondered all opinions and discussions for the purpose of analyzing and controlling the various interests proclaimed and supported by so many clever men. In fact, his misfortune was that of most other ministers who have passed the prime of life; he trimmed and shuffled under all his difficulties,--with journalism, which at this period it was thought advisable to repress in an underhand way rather than fight openly; with financial as well as labor questions; with the clergy as well as with that other question of the public lands; with liberalism as with the Chamber. After manoeuvering his way to power in the course of seven years, the minister believed that he could manage all questions of administration in the same way. It is so natural to think we can maintain a position by the same methods which served us to reach it that no one ventured to blame a system invented by mediocrity to please minds of its own calibre. The Restoration, like the Polish revolution, proved to nations as to princes the true value of a Man, and what will happen if that necessary man is wanting. The last and the greatest weakness of the public men of the Restoration was their honesty, in a struggle in which their adversaries employed the resources of political dishonesty, lies, and calumnies, and let loose upon them, by all subversive means, the clamor of the unintelligent masses, able only to understand revolt.

Rabourdin told himself all these things. But he had made up his mind to win or lose, like a man weary of gambling who allows himself a last stake; ill-luck had given him as adversary in the game a sharper like des Lupeaulx. With all his sagacity, Rabourdin was better versed in matters of administration than in parliamentary optics, and he was far indeed from imagining how his confidence would be received; he little thought that the great work that filled his mind would seem to the minister nothing more than a theory, and that a man who held the position of a statesman would confound his reform with the schemes of political and self-interested talkers.

As the minister rose from table, thinking of Francois Keller, his wife detained him with the offer of a bunch of grapes, and at that moment Rabourdin was announced. Des Lupeaulx had counted on the minister's preoccupation and his desire to get away; seeing him for the moment occupied with his wife, the general-secretary went forward to meet Rabourdin; whom he petrified with his first words, said in a low tone of voice:--"His Excellency and I know what the subject is that occupies your mind; you have nothing to fear"; then, raising his voice, he added, "neither from Dutocq nor from any one else.""Don't feel uneasy, Rabourdin," said his Excellency, kindly, but making a movement to get away.

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    权倾天下的五国之首,颠覆天下的政治格局。 阔别故国两载余,百里殿下携约而归,单依素手挑起千丈风波,只身独往打破百家制衡。棋音相知仅一人,埋骨不见冬雪至。一把破空而至的血刃,重重的在她心上抹去所有善意的同时,也划灭了她心底唯一的光亮。 天朽欲明,万人血河,以蹒跚之步,以铁骑血衣,入他国疆土,尽臣子之责。一涅槃一重归,杀歌四起,搅风云突变!一曲歌赋,一场末路,她是名动四方的京昭殿下,荣华屈辱,只待扶桑花落,重燃万里战火。隐藏本性十余年,林大皇子韬光养晦,不学无术终显雄才大略,花名在外换来半世荒唐。他精织谋局,诱敌深入,以惊世之才,藏暴戾之性,护一人周全,掌万人生死。一日铁戈征战,一朝踏破九霄,他是惊为天人的宋北皇子,丈量山河,管什么生灵涂炭,他只为目的,不择手段。他曾在京昭国宴一言惊人,以‘凤栖梧桐,终一日,策翼飞九霄,腾云万里’自喻。 她也曾举世风华,心怀天下,用一句‘肩上所扛是责任,脚下万里是天下。朱砂一点眉中痣,焉可御批臣子奏’答太傅于大殿前。 ——可有些人,初见便已沦陷,却至死也不知己心意。
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