

"Travelers are not treated in this manner in the country of El Dorado", said Candide.

"I am more of a Manichaean now than ever", said Martin.

"But pray, good sir, where are you going to carry us?"said Candide.

"To a dungeon, my dear sir", replied the officer.

When Martin had a little recovered himself, so as to form a cool judgment of what had passed, he plainly perceived that the person who had acted the part of Miss Cunegonde was a cheat; that the abbe of Perigord was a sharper who had imposed upon the honest simplicity of Candide, and that the officer was a knave, whom they might easily get rid of.

Candide following the advice of his friend Martin, and burning with impatience to see the real Miss Cunegonde, rather than be obliged to appear at a court of justice, proposed to the officer to make him a present of three small diamonds, each of them worth three thousand pistoles.

"Ah, sir", said the understrapper of justice, "had you commited ever so much villainy, this would render you the honestest man living, in my eyes.

Three diamonds worth three thousand pistoles! Why, my dear sir, so far from carrying you to jail, I would lose my life to serve you. There are orders for stopping all strangers; but leave it to me, I have a brother at Dieppe, in Normandy. I myself will conduct you thither, and if you have a diamond left to give him he will take as much care of you as I myself should.""But why", said Candide, "do they stop all strangers?"The abbe of Perigord made answer that it was because a poor devil of the country of Atrebata heard somebody tell foolish stories, and this induced him to commit a parricide; not such a one as that in the month of May, 1610, but such as that in the month of December in the year 1594, and such as many that have been perpetrated in other months and years, by other poor devils who had heard foolish stories.

The officer then explained to them what the abbe meant.

"Horrid monsters", exclaimed Candide, "is it possible that such scenes should pass among a people who are perpetually singing and dancing? Is there no flying this abominable country immediately, this execrable kingdom where monkeys provoke tigers? I have seen bears in my country, but men Ihave beheld nowhere but in El Dorado. In the name of God, sir", said he to the officer, "do me the kindness to conduct me to Venice, where I am to wait for Miss Cunegonde.""Really, sir", replied the officer, "I cannot possibly wait on you farther than Lower Normandy."So saying, he ordered Candide's irons to be struck off, acknowledged himself mistaken, and sent his followers about their business, after which he conducted Candide and Martin to Dieppe, and left them to the care of his brother.

There happened just then to be a small Dutch ship in the harbor. The Norman, whom the other three diamonds had converted into the most obliging, serviceable being that ever breathed, took care to see Candide and his attendants safe on board this vessel, that was just ready to sail for Portsmouth in England. This was not the nearest way to Venice, indeed, but Candide thought himself escaped out of Hell, and did not, in the least, doubt but he should quickly find an opportunity of resuming his voyage to Venice.

  • 惊蛰


  • 当生如是心


  • 荒野寻食记


  • 中国式饭局口才术


    本书是一本专门讲解饭局说话技巧的实用类指导书,在现实社会中,对于我们每一个人来说,想在社会立足,拥有更多的机遇,人脉是相当重要的一点。成人社会里,结交朋友大多的方法会选择吃饭,而带有目的、利益以及各种社会元素的饭,常被称为“饭局”。当饭多了“局”以后,这将再也不是一次简单的吃饭。而是一种生活在社会里,一种极为重要的社交活动及社会构成。在饭局里,以吃为辅,以说为主,成为了中国人的文化传统。 所以饭局上说话显得尤为重要,本书详细的讲解在社会交往中,在不同场合、会见不同的人,该说什么话、改怎样说话,才能达到最佳效果。
  • 人生的路为什么越走越窄?


  • 王者荣耀之保卫长安城


  • 局部地区阴有阵雨


  • 综历练记


  • 我和圣女有个约定


  • 末日君王之主

