

at length, attaining more composure, he cried--"What a mere infant I am! Why, Sir, I never felt thus in the day of battle.""No," said Temple; "but the truly brave soul is tremblingly alive to the feelings of humanity.""True," replied the old man, (something like satisfaction darting across his features) "and painful as these feelings are, I would not exchange them for that torpor which the stoic mistakes for philosophy.

How many exquisite delights should I have passed by unnoticed, but for these keen sensations, this quick sense of happiness or misery?

Then let us, my friend, take the cup of life as it is presented to us, tempered by the hand of a wise Providence; be thankful for the good, be patient under the evil, and presume not to enquire why the latter predominates.""This is true philosophy," said Temple.

"'Tis the only way to reconcile ourselves to the cross events of life,"replied he. "But I forget myself. I will not longer intrude on your patience, but proceed in my melancholy tale.

"The very evening that I was taken to prison, my son arrived from Ireland, where he had been some time with his regiment.

From the distracted expressions of his mother and sister, he learnt by whom I had been arrested; and, late as it was, flew on the wings of wounded affection, to the house of his false friend, and earnestly enquired the cause of this cruel conduct. With all the calmness of a cool deliberate villain, he avowed his passion for Lucy;declared her situation in life would not permit him to marry her;but offered to release me immediately, and make any settlement on her, if George would persuade her to live, as he impiously termed it, a life of honour.

"Fired at the insult offered to a man and a soldier, my boy struck the villain, and a challenge ensued. He then went to a coffee-house in the neighbourhood and wrote a long affectionate letter to me, blaming himself severely for having introduced Lewis into the family, or permitted him to confer an obligation, which had brought inevitable ruin on us all. He begged me, whatever might be the event of the ensuing morning, not to suffer regret or unavailing sorrow for his fate, to encrease the anguish of my heart, which he greatly feared was already insupportable.

"This letter was delivered to me early in the morning.

It would be vain to attempt describing my feelings on the perusal of it; suffice it to say, that a merciful Providence interposed, and I was for three weeks insensible to miseries almost beyond the strength of human nature to support.

"A fever and strong delirium seized me, and my life was despaired of.

At length, nature, overpowered with fatigue, gave way to the salutary power of rest, and a quiet slumber of some hours restored me to reason, though the extreme weakness of my frame prevented my feeling my distress so acutely as I otherways should.

"The first object that struck me on awaking, was Lucy sitting by my bedside; her pale countenance and sable dress prevented my enquiries for poor George: for the letter I had received from him, was the first thing that occurred to my memory.

By degrees the rest returned: I recollected being arrested, but could no ways account for being in this apartment, whither they had conveyed me during my illness.

"I was so weak as to be almost unable to speak. I pressed Lucy's hand, and looked earnestly round the apartment in search of another dear object.

"Where is your mother?" said I, faintly.

"The poor girl could not answer: she shook her head in expressive silence;and throwing herself on the bed, folded her arms about me, and burst into tears.

"What! both gone?" said I.

"Both," she replied, endeavouring to restrain her emotions:

"but they are happy, no doubt."

Here Mr. Eldridge paused: the recollection of the scene was too painful to permit him to proceed.

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    【(正文完结,无男主)前四十章与末世无关,看末世的请跳到四十章后】 末世第十年,林灵死了。十年的忍辱负重,为了报仇她苟延残喘地活着,生不如死。最后,为了所谓的“大局为重”,竟眼睁睁地看着仇人笑着离开……而她,只落得一个被丧尸分食的结局?可笑的是,在死亡的前一刻,她发现她所求的,不是复仇,而是好好地活下去。神秘声音出现,她在黑暗中向祂许下一个看似可笑的愿望。然后,当林灵再次睁开眼时,她发现,她真的重生在了一切错误都未开始的二十五年前。满心欢喜地开始重启的人生,封存的记忆也被拾回,命运的轨迹开始改变。这一世,她会还曾欠下的债,守护好想要守护的人。只是……非人类是什么鬼?
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