

Buddigur, s. A shop. Span. Bodega.

Buddikur divvus, s. Shopping-day: Wednesday, Saturday.

Bugnes / Bugnior, s. pl. Smallpox, blisters. Gael. Boc (a pimple), bolg (a blister), bolgach (small-pox). Wal. Mougour (a bud). Fr.


Buklo, a. Hungry: buklo tan, hungry spot, a common. Hun. Gyp.

Buklo tan (a wilderness).

Bul, s. Rump, buttock.

Bungshoror / Bungyoror, s. pl. Corks.

Busnis / Busnior, s. pl. Spurs, prickles. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

(pain, torment).

Buroder, ad. More: ad. ne buroder, no more.

Bute, a. ad. Much, very. Hin. But.

Butsi / Buty, s. Work, labour.

Butying. Working.

CCAEN / Cane, v. n. To stink.

Caenipen / Canipen, s. A stench.

Caeninaflipen, s. Stinking sickness, the plague, gaol-fever. The old cant word Canihen, signifying the gaol-fever, is derived from this Gypsy term.

Candelo / Cannelo, a. Stinking: cannelo mas, stinking meat. Sans.

Gandha (smell).

Callico / Collico, s. To-morrow, also yesterday: collico sorlo, to-morrow morning. Sans. Kalya. Hin. Kal (to-morrow, yesterday).

Cana, ad. Now: cana sig, now soon. See Kanau, knau.

Cam, s. The sun. Hin. Khan. Heb. Khama (the sun), kham (heat).

Cam. To wish, desire, love.

Cam / Camello / Camo, v. a. To love. Sans. Cama (love). Cupid;from which Sanscrit word the Latin Amor is derived.

Cambori / Cambri, a. Pregnant, big with child.

Camlo / Caumlo, Lovel, name of a Gypsy tribe. Lit. amiable. With this word the English "comely" is connected.

Camo-mescro, s. A lover; likewise the name Lovel.

Can, s. The sun.

Can, s. An ear. See Kaun.

Cana, ad. Now: cana sig, now soon. See Kanau.

Canafi / Canapli, Turnip.

Canairis. A Gypsy name.

Canior / Caunor, s. pl. Pease.

Canni. A hen. Span. Gyp. Cani. Hun. Gyp. Cackni. Gael. Cearc.

Cannis. Hens.

Cappi, s. Booty, gain, fortune: to lel cappi, to acquire booty, make a capital, a fortune.

Cas, s. Hay: cas-stiggur, haystack; cas kairing, hay-making.

Cas, s. Cheese. Lat. Caseus. This word is used by the pikers or tramps, as well as by the Gypsies. See Kael.

Catches / Catsau, s. pl. Scissors. Hun. Kasza. Wal. Kositsie (sickle). Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] Rus. Kosa.

Cato, prep. To; more properly From. Hun. Gyp. Cado. Wal. Katre (towards).

Cavo, pron. dem. This.

Cavocoi. This here.

Cavocoiskoenoes. In this manner.

Caur, v. a. To filch, steal in an artful manner by bending down.

Heb. [Hebrew: ] Cara, incurvavit se. Eng. Cower.

Cayes, s. Silk. Pers. [Persian:] Span. Gyp. Quequesa. Sans.


Chal, s. Lad, boy, son, fellow. Connected with this word is the Scottish Chiel, the Old English Childe, and the Russian Chelovik.

See Romani chal.

Charo, s. Plate, dish.

Chavali, s.f. Girl, damsel.

Chavi, s.f. Child, girl, daughter.

Cham, s. Leather: chameskie rokunies, leather breeches. Sans.

Charma (skin).

Chavo, s. m. Child, son: pl. chaves. Cheaus is an old French hunting term for the young ones of a fox.

Charos / Cheros, s. Heaven. Wal. Cher.

Chauvo, s. See Chavo.

Chaw, s. Grass.

Chawhoktamengro, s. Grasshopper. See Hokta.

Chee, a. No, none: chee butsi, no work. See Chi, chichi.

Chericlo, s. Bird. See Chiriclo.

Chiricleskey tan, s. Aviary, birdcage.

Chi, s.f. Child, daughter, girl: Romany chi, Gypsy girl.

Chi / Chichi / Chiti, s. Nothing.

Chin, v. a. To cut: chin lis tuley, cut it down. Sans. Chun (to cut off). Hin. Chink. Gaelic, Sgian (a knife).

Chin the cost. To cut the stick; to cut skewers for butchers and pegs for linen-lines, a grand employment of the Gypsy fellows in the neighbourhood of London.

China-mengri, s.f. A letter; a thing incised, marked, written in.

China-mengro, s. Hatchet. Lit. cutting-thing.

Chinipen, s. A cut.

Ching / Chingaro, v. a. To fight, quarrel.

Chinga-guero, s. A warrior.

Chingaripen, s. War, strife. Sans. Sangara.

Chingring, part. pres. Fighting, quarrelling.

Chik, s. Earth, dirt. Span. Gyp. Chique. Hin. Chikkar.

Chiklo, a. Dirty.

Chiriclo, s. m. Bird. Hin. Chiriya.

Chiricli, s.f. Hen-bird.

Chiros, s. Time. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Chiv / Chiva / Chuva, v. a. To cast, fling, throw, place, put: chiv lis tuley, fling it down; chiv oprey, put up. Rus. Kyio (to forge, cast iron). Sans. Kship.

Chiving tulipen prey the chokkars. Greasing the shoes.

Chofa, s.f. Petticoat.

Chohawni, s. Witch. See Chovahano.

Chohawno, s. Wizard.

Chok, s. Watch, watching.

Chok-engro, s. Watchman.

Chok, s. Shoe: chokkor, chokkors, shoes. Hun. Czoko (wooden shoe).

Choko-mengro. Shoemaker.

Choka, s. Coat.

Chokni / Chukni, s. Whip. Wal. Chokini (a strap, leather). Hun.

Csakany (a mace, sledge hammer). Hun. Gyp. Chokano (a staff). Wal.

Chokan, chokinel (a hammer).

Chukni wast, s. The whip-hand, the mastery.

Chollo, a. s. Whole.

Chomany, s. Something. Span. Gyp. Cormuni (some); chimoni (anything). Wal. Chineba (some one). For every chomany there's a lav in Romany: there's a name in Gypsy for everything.

Chong, s. Knee. Hun. Czomb. Sans. Chanu. Lat. Genu.

Chongor, pl. Knees.

Choom / Choomava, v. a. To kiss. Sans. Chumb. Choomande, kiss me.

Span. Gyp. Chupendi (a kiss), a corruption of Choomande.

Choomia, s. A kiss.

Choomo-mengro, one of the tribe Boswell.

Choon, s. Moon. Hun. Gyp. Chemut. Sans. Chandra.

Choot, s. Vinegar. See Chute.

Chore, v. a. To steal. Sans. Chur.

Chore, s. Thief. Hin. Chor.

Chories, pl. Thieves.

Chor-dudee-mengri, s. [Greek: ] (thieves' lantern, dark lantern).

Choredo, a. Poor, poverty stricken. Sans. Daridra.

Choredi, fem. of Choredo.

Choriness, s. Poverty.

Choro, a. Poor. Span. Gyp. Chororo. Hin. Shor.

Chovahan, v. a. To bewitch.

Chovahani / Chowian, s.f. Witch.

Chovahano, s. Wizard.

Choveno, a. Poor, needy, starved. Perhaps derived from the Russian Tchernoe (black, dirty, wretched); or from the Hungarian Csunya (hateful, frightful); whence the Chungalo of the Hungarian, and also of the Spanish Gypsies.

Choveni, fem. of Choveno.

Choveno ker, s. Workhouse, poorhouse.

Chukkal, s. Dog. Span. Gyp. Chuquel. Sans. Kukkura. Basque, Chacurra. See Juggal.

Chumba, s. Bank, hill. Russ. Xolm (a hill).

Chungarava / Chungra, v. a. To spit. Wal. Ckouina. Hun. Gyp.

Chudel (he spits).

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