

His face was thoughtful, and he sat considering a little before he answered, in a low voice, 'Well! Go. You can do no harm.'

'You have just come back,' said I, 'and it would be in vain to ask you to go with me?'

'Quite,' he returned. 'I am for Highgate tonight. I have not seen my mother this long time, and it lies upon my conscience, for it's something to be loved as she loves her prodigal son. - Bah!

Nonsense! - You mean to go tomorrow, I suppose?' he said, holding me out at arm's length, with a hand on each of my shoulders.

'Yes, I think so.'

'Well, then, don't go till next day. I wanted you to come and stay a few days with us. Here I am, on purpose to bid you, and you fly off to Yarmouth!'

'You are a nice fellow to talk of flying off, Steerforth, who are always running wild on some unknown expedition or other!'

He looked at me for a moment without speaking, and then rejoined, still holding me as before, and giving me a shake:

'Come! Say the next day, and pass as much of tomorrow as you can with us! Who knows when we may meet again, else? Come! Say the next day! I want you to stand between Rosa Dartle and me, and keep us asunder.'

'Would you love each other too much, without me?'

'Yes; or hate,' laughed Steerforth; 'no matter which. Come! Say the next day!'

I said the next day; and he put on his great-coat and lighted his cigar, and set off to walk home. Finding him in this intention, Iput on my own great-coat (but did not light my own cigar, having had enough of that for one while) and walked with him as far as the open road: a dull road, then, at night. He was in great spirits all the way; and when we parted, and I looked after him going so gallantly and airily homeward, I thought of his saying, 'Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!' and wished, for the first time, that he had some worthy race to run.

I was undressing in my own room, when Mr. Micawber's letter tumbled on the floor. Thus reminded of it, I broke the seal and read as follows. It was dated an hour and a half before dinner. I am not sure whether I have mentioned that, when Mr. Micawber was at any particularly desperate crisis, he used a sort of legal phraseology, which he seemed to think equivalent to winding up his affairs.

'SIR - for I dare not say my dear Copperfield, 'It is expedient that I should inform you that the undersigned is Crushed. Some flickering efforts to spare you the premature knowledge of his calamitous position, you may observe in him this day; but hope has sunk beneath the horizon, and the undersigned is Crushed.

'The present communication is penned within the personal range (Icannot call it the society) of an individual, in a state closely bordering on intoxication, employed by a broker. That individual is in legal possession of the premises, under a distress for rent.

His inventory includes, not only the chattels and effects of every description belonging to the undersigned, as yearly tenant of this habitation, but also those appertaining to Mr. Thomas Traddles, lodger, a member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.

'If any drop of gloom were wanting in the overflowing cup, which is now "commended" (in the language of an immortal Writer) to the lips of the undersigned, it would be found in the fact, that a friendly acceptance granted to the undersigned, by the before-mentioned Mr. Thomas Traddles, for the sum Of 23l 4s 9 1/2d is over due, and is NOT provided for. Also, in the fact that the living responsibilities clinging to the undersigned will, in the course of nature, be increased by the sum of one more helpless victim; whose miserable appearance may be looked for - in round numbers - at the expiration of a period not exceeding six lunar months from the present date.

'After premising thus much, it would be a work of supererogation to add, that dust and ashes are for ever scattered 'On 'The 'Head 'Of 'WILKINS MICAWBER.'

Poor Traddles! I knew enough of Mr. Micawber by this time, to foresee that he might be expected to recover the blow; but my night's rest was sorely distressed by thoughts of Traddles, and of the curate's daughter, who was one of ten, down in Devonshire, and who was such a dear girl, and who would wait for Traddles (ominous praise!) until she was sixty, or any age that could be mentioned.

  • 刁蛮御妻:王爷,笑一个


  • 大学·中庸(中华国学经典)


  • 妖冥药尊


  • 有个刀客


  • 简明世界史(新知家庭文明读库)


  • 影响世界青少年的101个心理寓言


  • 抽卡咸鱼的反击


  • 逍遥太子妃


    纳尼?吊个威亚也能挂掉?这年头是时兴想穿越就挂掉吗?穿越就穿越,who怕who?一个穿越过来的人,凭着自己的智慧,叱咤赌场容易吗?~~当然,下场就是被抓包了。 纳尼?结拜不需要培养情绪吗?怎么就稀里糊涂的就和那个妖孽加赌场老板就结拜了?纳尼?身边的帅哥们一个个的遇刺了? 纳尼?源源不断的师傅出现了?纳尼?生活一团乱了?好吧~~~我们来一步步地把它收拾平顺。 好吧,孙府的小小姐,请您在这个架空的世界中,能文能武,老板、徒弟一把抓,做一个平行世界中的五好青年吧~~~甘巴逮~
  • 神医有疾


    该如何安慰一个丑太子?房间内只有我和梁绩两个人。“准备好了吗?”我很忐忑。这已经是第三次了,如果再不成功,我想梁绩的幕僚会杀了我的。“不必紧张。”我听到梁绩低沉且悦耳的声音。“嗯,不紧张。”我颤声道,“我们……开始吧。”“好。”“请殿下把头伸过来。” “……我就在你前面。”“哦、哦。”我慌乱地伸手去摸,突然摸到一只手,刚要抽回去的时候,被牵引着,触摸到了柔软的纱布。绳结是我亲手系的,解开时却是格外困难。
  • 厨娘致富记

