

And gazing on the dead, she thought his face Faded, or alter'd into something new-Like to her father's features, till each trace-More like and like to Lambro's aspect grew-With all his keen worn look and Grecian grace;

And starting, she awoke, and what to view?

Oh! Powers of Heaven! what dark eye meets she there?

'T is- 't is her father's- fix'd upon the pair!

Then shrieking, she arose, and shrieking fell, With joy and sorrow, hope and fear, to see Him whom she deem'd a habitant where dwell The ocean-buried, risen from death, to be Perchance the death of one she loved too well:

Dear as her father had been to Haidee, It was a moment of that awful kind-I have seen such- but must not call to mind.

Up Juan sprung to Haidee's bitter shriek, And caught her falling, and from off the wall Snatch'd down his sabre, in hot haste to wreak Vengeance on him who was the cause of all:

Then Lambro, who till now forbore to speak, Smiled scornfully, and said, 'Within my call, A thousand scimitars await the word;

Put up, young man, put up your silly sword.'

And Haidee clung around him; 'Juan, 't is-'T is Lambro- 't is my father! Kneel with me-He will forgive us- yes- it must be- yes.

Oh! dearest father, in this agony Of pleasure and of pain- even while I kiss Thy garment's hem with transport, can it be That doubt should mingle with my filial joy?

Deal with me as thou wilt, but spare this boy.'

High and inscrutable the old man stood, Calm in his voice, and calm within his eye-Not always signs with him of calmest mood:

He look'd upon her, but gave no reply;

Then turn'd to Juan, in whose cheek the blood Oft came and went, as there resolved to die;

In arms, at least, he stood, in act to spring On the first foe whom Lambro's call might bring.

'Young man, your sword;' so Lambro once more said:

Juan replied, 'Not while this arm is free.'

The old man's cheek grew pale, but not with dread, And drawing from his belt a pistol, he Replied, 'Your blood be then on your own head.'

Then look'd dose at the flint, as if to see 'T was fresh- for he had lately used the lock-And next proceeded quietly to cock.

It has a strange quick jar upon the ear, That cocking of a pistol, when you know A moment more will bring the sight to bear Upon your person, twelve yards off, or so;

A gentlemanly distance, not too near, If you have got a former friend for foe;

But after being fired at once or twice, The ear becomes more Irish, and less nice.

Lambro presented, and one instant more Had stopp'd this Canto, and Don Juan's breath, When Haidee threw herself her boy before;

Stern as her sire: 'On me,' she cried, 'let death Descend- the fault is mine; this fatal shore He found- but sought not. I have pledged my faith;

I love him- I will die with him: I knew Your nature's firmness- know your daughter's too.'

A minute past, and she had been all tears, And tenderness, and infancy; but now She stood as one who champion'd human fears-Pale, statue-like, and stern, she woo'd the blow;

And tall beyond her sex, and their compeers, She drew up to her height, as if to show A fairer mark; and with a fix'd eye scann'd Her father's face- but never stopp'd his hand.

He gazed on her, and she on him; 't was strange How like they look'd! the expression was the same;

Serenely savage, with a little change In the large dark eye's mutual-darted flame;

For she, too, was as one who could avenge, If cause should be- a lioness, though tame.

Her father's blood before her father's face Boil'd up, and proved her truly of his race.

I said they were alike, their features and Their stature, differing but in sex and years;

Even to the delicacy of their hand There was resemblance, such as true blood wears;

And now to see them, thus divided, stand In fix'd ferocity, when joyous tears And sweet sensations should have welcomed both, Show what the passions are in their full growth.

The father paused a moment, then withdrew His weapon, and replaced it; but stood still, And looking on her, as to look her through, 'Not I,' he said, 'have sought this stranger's ill;

Not I have made this desolation: few Would bear such outrage, and forbear to kill;

But I must do my duty- how thou hast Done thine, the present vouches for the past.

'Let him disarm; or, by my father's head, His own shall roll before you like a ball!'

He raised his whistle, as the word he said, And blew; another answer'd to the call, And rushing in disorderly, though led, And arm'd from boot to turban, one and all, Some twenty of his train came, rank on rank;

He gave the word,- 'Arrest or slay the Frank.'

Then, with a sudden movement, he withdrew His daughter; while compress'd within his clasp, 'Twixt her and Juan interposed the crew;

In vain she struggled in her father's grasp-His arms were like a serpent's coil: then flew Upon their prey, as darts an angry asp, The file of pirates; save the foremost, who Had fallen, with his right shoulder half cut through.

The second had his cheek laid open; but The third, a wary, cool old sworder, took The blows upon his cutlass, and then put His own well in; so well, ere you could look, His man was floor'd, and helpless at his foot, With the blood running like a little brook From two smart sabre gashes, deep and red-One on the arm, the other on the head.

And then they bound him where he fell, and bore Juan from the apartment: with a sign Old Lambro bade them take him to the shore, Where lay some ships which were to sail at nine.

They laid him in a boat, and plied the oar Until they reach'd some galliots, placed in line;

On board of one of these, and under hatches, They stow'd him, with strict orders to the watches.

The world is full of strange vicissitudes, And here was one exceedingly unpleasant:

A gentleman so rich in the world's goods, Handsome and young, enjoying all the present, Just at the very time when he least broods On such a thing is suddenly to sea sent, Wounded and chain'd, so that he cannot move, And all because a lady fell in love.

Here I must leave him, for I grow pathetic, Moved by the Chinese nymph of tears, green tea!

Than whom Cassandra was not more prophetic;

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  • 大侦探的失误


    《大侦探的失误》这本故事集由著名悬念故事家於全军先生亲自挑选, 从 近作中挑出悬疑、精彩的故事以飨读者。篇幅以中篇为 主,情节曲折离奇,悬念紧张刺激,时代跨度大,地域涵盖 广,能让读者享用到一顿丰盛的精神大餐。 《大侦探的失误》分三个部分,古代部分侧重推理断案,不但以严谨 的推理见长,更能结合当时的人文历史,风俗习惯下笔。现 代部分侧重设置悬念,机关重重,环环相扣,强调猜谜解迷 的快感。海外部分强调情感,在推理悬疑的基础上,大力弘 扬正气长存,悲天悯人的情怀。
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