

While he was dressing, Baba, their black friend, Hinted the vast advantages which they Might probably attain both in the end, If they would but pursue the proper way Which fortune plainly seem'd to recommend;

And then he added, that he needs must say, ''T would greatly tend to better their condition, If they would condescend to circumcision.

'For his own part, he really should rejoice To see them true believers, but no less Would leave his proposition to their choice.'

The other, thanking him for this excess Of goodness, in thus leaving them a voice In such a trifle, scarcely could express 'Sufficiently' (he said) 'his approbation Of all the customs of this polish'd nation.

'For his own share- he saw but small objection To so respectable an ancient rite;

And, after swallowing down a slight refection, For which he own'd a present appetite, He doubted not a few hours of reflection Would reconcile him to the business quite.'

'Will it?' said Juan, sharply: 'Strike me dead, But they as soon shall circumcise my head!

'Cut off a thousand heads, before-'- 'Now, pray,'

Replied the other, 'do not interrupt:

You put me out in what I had to say.

Sir!- as I said, as soon as I have supt, I shall perpend if your proposal may Be such as I can properly accept;

Provided always your great goodness still Remits the matter to our own free-will.'

Baba eyed Juan, and said, 'Be so good As dress yourself-' and pointed out a suit In which a Princess with great pleasure would Array her limbs; but Juan standing mute, As not being in a masquerading mood, Gave it a slight kick with his Christian foot;

And when the old negro told him to 'Get ready,'

Replied, 'Old gentleman, I 'm not a lady.'

'What you may be, I neither know nor care,'

Said Baba; 'but pray do as I desire:

I have no more time nor many words to spare.'

'At least,' said Juan, 'sure I may enquire The cause of this odd travesty?'- 'Forbear,'

Said Baba, 'to be curious; 't will transpire, No doubt, in proper place, and time, and season:

I have no authority to tell the reason.'

'Then if I do,' said Juan, 'I 'll be-'- 'Hold!'

Rejoin'd the negro, 'pray be not provoking;

This spirit 's well, but it may wax too bold, And you will find us not top fond of joking.'

'What, sir!' said Juan, 'shall it e'er be told That I unsex'd my dress?' But Baba, stroking The things down, said, 'Incense me, and I call Those who will leave you of no sex at all.

'I offer you a handsome suit of clothes:

A woman's, true; but then there is a cause Why you should wear them.'- 'What, though my soul loathes The effeminate garb?'- thus, after a short pause, Sigh'd Juan, muttering also some slight oaths, 'What the devil shall I do with all this gauze?'

Thus he profanely term'd the finest lace Which e'er set off a marriage-morning face.

And then he swore; and, sighing, on he slipp'd A pair of trousers of flesh-colour'd silk;

Next with a virgin zone he was equipp'd, Which girt a slight chemise as white as milk;

But tugging on his petticoat, he tripp'd, Which- as we say- or, as the Scotch say, whilk (The rhyme obliges me to this; sometimes Monarchs are less imperative than rhymes)-Whilk, which (or what you please), was owing to His garment's novelty, and his being awkward:

And yet at last he managed to get through His toilet, though no doubt a little backward:

The negro Baba help'd a little too, When some untoward part of raiment stuck hard;

And, wrestling both his arms into a gown, He paused, and took a survey up and down.

One difficulty still remain'd- his hair Was hardly long enough; but Baba found So many false long tresses all to spare, That soon his head was most completely crown'd, After the manner then in fashion there;

And this addition with such gems was bound As suited the ensemble of his toilet, While Baba made him comb his head and oil it.

And now being femininely all array'd, With some small aid from scissors, paint, and tweezers, He look'd in almost all respects a maid, And Baba smilingly exclaim'd, 'You see, sirs, A perfect transformation here display'd;

And now, then, you must come along with me, sirs, That is- the Lady:' clapping his hands twice, Four blacks were at his elbow in a trice.

'You, sir,' said Baba, nodding to the one, 'Will please to accompany those gentlemen To supper; but you, worthy Christian nun, Will follow me: no trifling, sir; for when I say a thing, it must at once be done.

What fear you? think you this a lion's den?

Why, 't is a palace; where the truly wise Anticipate the Prophet's paradise.

'You fool! I tell you no one means you harm.'

'So much the better,' Juan said, 'for them;

Else they shall feel the weight of this my arm, Which is not quite so light as you may deem.

I yield thus far; but soon will break the charm If any take me for that which I seem:

So that I trust for everybody's sake, That this disguise may lead to no mistake.'

'Blockhead! come on, and see,' quoth Baba; while Don Juan, turning to his comrade, who Though somewhat grieved, could scarce forbear a smile Upon the metamorphosis in view,-'Farewell!' they mutually exclaim'd: 'this soil Seems fertile in adventures strange and new;

One 's turn'd half Mussulman, and one a maid, By this old black enchanter's unsought aid.'

'Farewell!' said Juan: 'should we meet no more, I wish you a good appetite.'- 'Farewell!'

Replied the other; 'though it grieves me sore;

When we next meet we 'll have a tale to tell:

We needs must follow when Fate puts from shore.

Keep your good name; though Eve herself once fell.'

'Nay,' quoth the maid, 'the Sultan's self shan't carry me, Unless his highness promises to marry me.

And thus they parted, each by separate doors;

Baba led Juan onward room by room Through glittering galleries and o'er marble floors, Till a gigantic portal through the gloom, Haughty and huge, along the distance lowers;

And wafted far arose a rich perfume:

It seem'd as though they came upon a shrine, For all was vast, still, fragrant, and divine.

The giant door was broad, and bright, and high, Of gilded bronze, and carved in curious guise;

Warriors thereon were battling furiously;

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