

But tears must stop like all things else; and soon Juan, who for an instant had been moved To such a sorrow by the intrusive tone Of one who dared to ask if 'he had loved,'

Call'd back the stoic to his eyes, which shone Bright with the very weakness he reproved;

And although sensitive to beauty, he Felt most indignant still at not being free.

Gulbeyaz, for the first time in her days, Was much embarrass'd, never having met In all her life with aught save prayers and praise;

And as she also risk'd her life to get Him whom she meant to tutor in love's ways Into a comfortable tete-a-tete, To lose the hour would make her quite a martyr, And they had wasted now almost a quarter.

I also would suggest the fitting time To gentlemen in any such like case, That is to say in a meridian clime-With us there is more law given to the chase, But here a small delay forms a great crime:

So recollect that the extremest grace Is just two minutes for your declaration-A moment more would hurt your reputation.

Juan's was good; and might have been still better, But he had got Haidee into his head:

However strange, he could not yet forget her, Which made him seem exceedingly ill-bred.

Gulbeyaz, who look'd on him as her debtor For having had him to her palace led, Began to blush up to the eyes, and then Grow deadly pale, and then blush back again.

At length, in an imperial way, she laid Her hand on his, and bending on him eyes Which needed not an empire to persuade, Look'd into his for love, where none replies:

Her brow grew black, but she would not upbraid, That being the last thing a proud woman tries;

She rose, and pausing one chaste moment, threw Herself upon his breast, and there she grew.

This was an awkward test, as Juan found, But he was steel'd by sorrow, wrath, and pride:

With gentle force her white arms he unwound, And seated her all drooping by his side, Then rising haughtily he glanced around, And looking coldly in her face, he cried, 'The prison'd eagle will not pair, nor Serve a Sultana's sensual phantasy.

'Thou ask'st if I can love? be this the proof How much I have loved- that I love not thee!

In this vile garb, the distaff, web, and woof, Were fitter for me: Love is for the free!

I am not dazzled by this splendid roof, Whate'er thy power, and great it seems to be;

Heads bow, knees bend, eyes watch around a throne, And hands obey- our hearts are still our own.'

This was a truth to us extremely trite;

Not so to her, who ne'er had heard such things:

She deem'd her least command must yield delight, Earth being only made for queens and kings.

If hearts lay on the left side or the right She hardly knew, to such perfection brings Legitimacy its born votaries, when Aware of their due royal rights o'er men.

Besides, as has been said, she was so fair As even in a much humbler lot had made A kingdom or confusion anywhere, And also, as may be presumed, she laid Some stress on charms, which seldom are, if e'er, By their possessors thrown into the shade:

She thought hers gave a double 'right divine;'

And half of that opinion 's also mine.

Remember, or (if you can not) imagine, Ye, who have kept your chastity when young, While some more desperate dowager has been waging Love with you, and been in the dog-days stung By your refusal, recollect her raging!

Or recollect all that was said or sung On such a subject; then suppose the face Of a young downright beauty in this case.

Suppose,- but you already have supposed, The spouse of Potiphar, the Lady Booby, Phaedra, and all which story has disclosed Of good examples; pity that so few by Poets and private tutors are exposed, To educate- ye youth of Europe- you by!

But when you have supposed the few we know, You can't suppose Gulbeyaz' angry brow.

A tigress robb'd of young, a lioness, Or any interesting beast of prey, Are similes at hand for the distress Of ladies who can not have their own way;

But though my turn will not be served with less, These don't express one half what I should say:

For what is stealing young ones, few or many, To cutting short their hopes of having any?

The love of offspring 's nature's general law, From tigresses and cubs to ducks and ducklings;

There 's nothing whets the beak, or arms the claw Like an invasion of their babes and sucklings;

And all who have seen a human nursery, saw How mothers love their children's squalls and chucklings;

This strong extreme effect (to tire no longer Your patience) shows the cause must still be stronger.

If I said fire flash'd from Gulbeyaz' eyes, 'T were nothing- for her eyes flash'd always fire;

Or said her cheeks assumed the deepest dyes, I should but bring disgrace upon the dyer, So supernatural was her passion's rise;

For ne'er till now she knew a check'd desire:

Even ye who know what a check'd woman is (Enough, God knows!) would much fall short of this.

Her rage was but a minute's, and 't was well-A moment's more had slain her; but the while It lasted 't was like a short glimpse of hell:

Nought 's more sublime than energetic bile, Though horrible to see yet grand to tell, Like ocean warring 'gainst a rocky isle;

And the deep passions flashing through her form Made her a beautiful embodied storm.

A vulgar tempest 't were to a typhoon To match a common fury with her rage, And yet she did not want to reach the moon, Like moderate Hotspur on the immortal page;

Her anger pitch'd into a lower tune, Perhaps the fault of her soft sex and age-Her wish was but to 'kill, kill, kill,' like Lear's, And then her thirst of blood was quench'd in tears.

A storm it raged, and like the storm it pass'd, Pass'd without words- in fact she could not speak;

And then her sex's shame broke in at last, A sentiment till then in her but weak, But now it flow'd in natural and fast, As water through an unexpected leak;

For she felt humbled- and humiliation Is sometimes good for people in her station It teaches them that they are flesh and blood, It also gently hints to them that others, Although of clay, are yet not quite of mud;

That urns and pipkins are but fragile brothers, And works of the same pottery, bad or good, Though not all born of the same sires and mothers:

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    这里有幽默、真挚、天马行空,又充满了厚重的这里和感人的温情!这里是灵慧逼人、瑰丽恢宏的国度,让我们共赴想象力的盛宴。 胡伟红加盟新作,180°完美变身。 全新中国奇幻风时尚进化《墨染之泪》!2011年初春,用优美的文字和超凡的想象力带给你心灵的震撼!他的爱如海洋般深邃,他的心如天空般寂寥;而她在宠爱与呵护中陷入了阴谋的旋涡。